Still buried but now desperate for some vid love

Jul 15, 2010 17:43

Well, I keep falling into the Great Non-Blogging Abyss and completely ignoring my various blogs. I think most of the problem is related to the fact that Facebook tends to keep stealing me away from other mediums, succubus that it is. I also just created ANOTHER LJ account (because two blogs and this LJ weren't enough) for teaching a digital communication subject in the upcoming semester.

Thesis update: I'm writing away. Got my three chapters down (vaguely about Methodology, History, and Meaning), and am just starting the fourth (Gender). I was stuck for quite awhile because I travelled to Hong Kong to present a paper on Doctor Who vids, and LOST my freaking PASSPORT when visiting China. Thus began a doom-filled week of stress, money, stress, migraines, and stress. I recommend not losing your passport in the country that invented bureaucracy more than a thousand years ago, people. It's practically become an art in China, now.

SO to make a long story short, I was really glad to see jarrow 's 20 Days of Vids meme, because I think it will help me get my blogging groove back.

And so, even though I am probably behind the bandwagon on this one, here's my Day 1 - A vid that made you start watching a brand new show

Vids make me want to watch whatever show they're based on so badly, it's a problem. I usually have to make an effort not to bow their musically charms and keep it together so that I'm not watching 30 different shows at a time.

But in this case, I gave in. That case would be Jesus for the Jugular by obsessive24 . (Warning: this vid has some pretty disturbing imagery and violence.)

I had never seen Carnivale before, but after watching this vid I had absolutely no choice but to go see what the HELL WAS GOING ON. I love crazy, intense, HBO-style dramas and based on the vid, I guessed (correctly, it would seem) that Carnivale would blog them all out of the water.  I'm quite positive I'm not smart enough to comprehend either the show itself or the vid, but I deeply enjoy warping my brain to try and figure it out. The vid, for me at least, perfectly captures the all the disturbing magic of that series (now that I've seen it). Brilliant, brilliant stuff.

meme, 20 days of vids

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