Just checking in...

Aug 14, 2010 08:21

By now you know what my summers are like, what with Camp, garden and throw kitchen renovations in to the mix, so you're not surprised at the lack of entries into my journal (not that I'm that good at it to begin with).  *how's that for a run-on sentence?*

Camp is slowing down, due to school having started here in the deep south.  Next week has a few ( Read more... )

work, renovation, stars, camp, meteors, garden, kitchen, microsoft access

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Comments 10

grandma_kate August 14 2010, 14:07:29 UTC
It's good to read about your busy life. I rejoice with you that the great and glorious kitchen remodeling will soon be complete. It is going to be beautiful and functional.

My kids remember being carried out to lie in sleeping bags on the berm behind the kitchen to watch the Perseids. They did the same thing to their kids when they were little.


nundu_art August 15 2010, 00:56:27 UTC
When we lived in the suburbs of Atlanta we would have meteor parties on the front lawn. Friends would come over with blankets and snacks and we'd stretch out on our backs, munch and watch. Good times.


sagacious_c August 14 2010, 14:46:01 UTC
I love the Perseids... I have very fond memories of being at music camp and laying out in a dark field with friends watching the Perseids for hours and having the silly, awesome conversations that 12 year old girls specialize in. ;)

It's been cloudy here, too, so I've missed them this year. WAH!


nundu_art August 15 2010, 01:00:16 UTC
There are other meteor showers through out the year, but summer is so perfect. I remember being dragged out of bed at outrageous times of night in the freezing winter to see comets or eclipses or rockets launching, but nothing was more relaxing than the Perseids.


amamama August 14 2010, 19:30:35 UTC
We've got similar luck when it comes to the Perseids, then. :-( I got to see one long streak and one short before the cloud covers got too thick.

Oooh, pecans... *sigh* How much does shipping to Norway cost, so you think? I'd happily pay to have a barrel of pecans shipped over. The price they charge here is totally, completely ridiculous.

And I so look forward to seeing pics of your kitchen. It's going to be awesome.


nundu_art August 15 2010, 01:03:21 UTC
I'd be happy to send you pecans, but check with your customs and see if they'll let them in!


mcgonagalls_cat August 15 2010, 04:08:03 UTC
Glad you didn't fall off the face of the Earth. Miss hearing of your intrepid adventures!

How are you going to can stuff with no kitchen? [Yum! Tomatoes and sawdust.... ]


nundu_art August 15 2010, 20:10:50 UTC
The kitchen was only totally out of commission for about a week, after the old stove was pulled out and the new one installed with the new countertops. Except for the window, all that is left to be done is the backsplash, install the cupboard doors and put in the new floor. Today I put shelf liner in all the lower cupboards and started moving pots and pans back in!


ladywhizbee August 15 2010, 12:33:59 UTC
Oh, do you mind sharing your canning salsa recipe? I have one that I've used before and liked okay, but I'm always game for new experiments--particularly when I know they will end up yummy! :-)

We just picked up this large bag of heirloom tomatoes yesterday at the farmers market. Our plan is to can some just as they are, but then also make salsa. We try not to eat pasta so I don't want to make pasta sauce--but we use tomatoes in most every dish we make. I'm excited to have some really good ones on hand for the winter months...


nundu_art August 16 2010, 01:24:47 UTC
My salsa recipe is one of those 'a bit of this, a bit of that'. I peel and coarsely chop about 20 pounds of tomatoes. I let them sit in the bowl for a while for some of the water to drain out. I chop three or four large onions (food processor is great for this since I'm allergic to raw onions), then seed and dice four or five green peppers and a few hot peppers and four or five banana peppers. (We prefer medium salsa, so just a couple of hot peppers, depending on what type. We grew jalapenos, so I only use 2 and be sure to get all the seeds out!) Then dump all the onions, peppers and tomatoes into a large stock pot (don't include the juice that has drained off the tomatoes). Cook slowly over slow heat until the mixture comes to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer for 30 minutes. If the salsa is too runny you can make a mixture of corn starch and water and add in small quantities, heating and determining if you need more. When it's as thick as you like remove from heat. Hopefully while all this has been cooking, you've been ( ... )


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