Title: Shift is almost over
Pairing: Junseung
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Summary: Hyunseung is bored during a shift at work.
Notes: This is NOT a part of the classifieds series but that will be updated soon :D
He glances at the other’s slender hands and up to his profile, the pouty lips and defined cheekbones. He looks back to his screen as the phone line clicks and it’s the receptionist again. )
Comments 18
so...is this how it feels to work? i'm a very shy person and i don't know how to deal with people and reading this one-shot just...gave me butterflies and not because it's junseung :(
the problem is i am going to try looking for work (idk how too) but i am an undergraduate (and that is by choice) so... more butterflies in my every organ @_@
but i liked the story *_* ♥
I was lucky to get a new job 3 weeks after being made redundant but work is like school in a way. Sometimes there's the good days and other the bad. You just have to be willing to put up with people in bad moods because they're stressed
junseung fluff is always loved :) thanks for this!
Hehehe, I loved the little note. Totally adorable~ ^w^
Real life situations are so awesome for fic inspirations x) keke
That they are. I ended up drawing a bunny after writing this too haha
You are obviously trying to fill in the Junseung void I left behind, aren't you? /points at chu
Well, I'm happy. You're Junseung is always so adorbs anyway, like this. Kekeke.
And good luck with your new job... and psh, you were seriously flirting.... Keep it up! ;)
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