Title: When We're Apart
Pairing: HyukHae
Minor Pairing: MinKyu
Rating: PG
Genre: fluff, romance, humor
Disclaimer: they own me
Summary: The prospect of college worries Hyukjae more than he wants to admit, not because of the transition or anything, but because of Donghae.
Hyukjae wished that he could pack Donghae up and take the younger boy with him to college. )
Comments 62
This was precious, I love reading your posts!!! <3
Thanks! It's good to be back :D
omg Hyuk is such a sweetie to write instructions for the others to take care of Hae~~~^^ and then Hae did the same thing for him!!
wahhh~~~ the ending!! *flails* so wonderful!
and Kyu and Min too :D
so cute~~~^^
And I just looked up Eunhae's bdays, they would have been in different classes (yay for accuracy!). But I know Hae's probably going to end up at the same uniersity as Hyukjae and Sungmin... and Kyukyun eventually XD
"Hey, shrimp is delicious; it’s totally worth the rashes I develop later after eating it" lol I do the same thing with crab, I suddenly became allergic a couple years back but I still eat it (in moderation), although I think I'm not allergic anymore. Maybe Donghae will get better also :/
ahh so sweet and cute, I love your fluffy happy writing (although the angst ones are great also, just very tiring on the heart). I'm leaving for the first year of college soon also T.T but without someone like Donghae to say goodbye to... oh well
I'm undecided right now... I was planning on bumming freshman year until I find what interests me LOL. But I'll be doing pre-law (yeah sounds boring right?), right now I'm tentatively interested in East Asian economics. What are you majoring/majored in? (Sorry I don't know your age)
and i love this so much ~ this is EPIC OF THE YEAR!!!!
hyukjae is so sweet writing guidelines on how to take care of hae
i've never thought if there's anyone who could or would do that
LOL at the end...sungmin and donghae too...i should have know it
thanks for writing and sharing ^^.
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