Flower (Team Schmoop) Ian/Don NC17

Oct 29, 2008 05:55

Title: Low Cover
Author: ALF
Pairing/Characters: Ian/Don
Word Count: 1346
Rating/Category: NC17
Spoilers: High Exposure
Summary: Ian prepares Don for what he needs
Notes/Warnings: With huge thanks to spikedluv for the beta. To vote for this fic, please go here

As Ian arrived at the crime scene, he automatically scanned the area, noting who was present and what they were doing. It didn’t take long for him to hone in on Don Eppes, standing on a rock and talking to someone in uniform. The way he was standing, his ass pointed towards Ian in a very provocative pose that he could almost believe was deliberate.

Don was no delicate flower, but he had made it clear from the first time that he and Ian had gotten together that he was only interested in being the bottom in the relationship. He had no desire to be the one doing the fucking and Ian had quickly come to realize that it was Don’s way of letting go, giving over control to someone else. Ian had no problems with the situation, he enjoyed being in charge, in or out of bed, and Don was a sweet lay.

Thoughts of previous times they’d been together flashed through Ian’s head, sending a flush of lust and desire through his body, hardening his cock. He sat there a minute longer, enjoying the view and anticipating a chance to tap his favorite ass as soon as possible, case permitting.

Getting the call from Don asking for his help, had been a no-brainer for Ian. He had easily postponed the trip to Oslo, knowing he’d still have no trouble finding his fugitive in a few days time. It had been too long since he’d had a chance to see Don and his brother again. It was true, he always had the best times with the Eppes brothers.

Exiting his SUV, professional mask back in place, Ian strode forward to meet Don and his team. Pleasure would have to wait for now, there was a killer to catch first.


Hearing the news about the Professor’s loss of clearance and Reeves’s departure made a lot of things click into place for Ian. Now he understood a lot more clearly why Don had called him in, even though it had at first appeared to Ian’s experienced eye that they didn’t need a tracker. With his world in seeming disarray, it was obvious Don needed a chance to let go of the control that he normally held to so tightly, and the case had been a good excuse to see Ian again.

Finally, the case was resolved with no permanent injuries. Don had had a very lucky escape, thanks to Ian’s expertise, and it had earned him an invitation to dinner at the Eppes house, part of the post-case celebrations. Ian had been reluctant, but had to admit to a certain curiosity about meeting Papa Eppes, so he accepted.

“I promise to make it up to you,” Don said, sultry tone in his voice as he smiled at Ian. Ian slipped into the passenger seat of Don’s SUV, accepting the ride because it would make the perfect excuse to leave together later.

“Oh, you’ll make it up to me, alright,” Ian replied coolly, as he reached for his seat belt. “But it might be sooner than you think.”

That earned him a confused look from Don, but Ian simply settled more comfortably in his seat and waited for them to get moving.


Once at Charlie’s house, Ian insisted on a tour, curious to see where the Eppes boys had grown up. He could see why they had hung onto the house, it was obviously well loved and cared for.

In Don’s bedroom, he pushed the door closed, then sat on the end of the bed, watching Don roam around looking at old mementoes that remained in the bedroom. No real effort had been made to turn it into a guest bedroom, instead it was full of childhood echoes. As intrigued as Ian was by this glimpse into Don’s past, though, he was more interested in the here and now. When Don turned to look at him, Ian beckoned him forward.

“Time to make it up to me,” Ian said, as Don stood in front of him.

Don raised his eyebrows, smiling down at Ian. “Oh yeah?” he asked, a cocky challenge in his tone.

“Oh yes,” Ian said smoothly, knowing that Don would go along with whatever Ian wanted, confident of his power and Don’s eagerness to submit to him.

Ian reached out and palmed the bulge that was already apparent in Don’s jeans, making Don sway and his eyes flutter closed. He was so sensuous and open to pleasure, it made Ian hungry for him. But he had to remember where they were and that they didn’t have a lot of time.

Ian quickly opened Don’s jeans and gently urged him to turn around, pulling the tight denim down to expose Don’s ass. He took lube from a pocket and slicked his fingers, pressing two into the tight heat of Don’s body, the muscles relaxing and accepting the intrusion easily.

Don moaned and trembled under Ian’s actions, eager as ever, making Ian have to bite back his own moan and fight for control. Ian fumbled in another pocket, pulling out a butt plug he’d taken from his overnight bag earlier. He reluctantly eased his fingers free of Don’s ass and picked up the lube again, cock aching as he eyed Don’s slick hole and wished he had time to fuck him now. Don was waiting, swaying slightly, breathing loud and heavy in the quiet room, and Ian quickly slicked the plug, feeling the pressure of time.

Plug ready, Ian put one hand on Don’s ass and then pressed the slick latex against Don’s hole. Don groaned eagerly and moved backwards. Ian slapped the cheek he was resting his hand against, making Don whimper. “Hold still,” Ian ordered and Don froze in front of him. Ian quickly pushed the plug all the way in. Don moaned and trembled as Ian twisted the plug slightly, making Ian grin fiercely, knowing he was teasing Don’s prostate.

The sound of the doorbell below them warned Ian he was running out of time, so he carefully turned Don to face him again. Don was lost, eyes closed, breathing hard, and his cock was purple and slick against the dark material of his T-shirt. Ian knew there was no way Don would get his jeans back on properly when he was so close to the edge and took pity on him.

Ian took Don’s cock in a firm grip and bent forward, sucking the hard flesh into his mouth. Don moaned and his hands came up to rest on Ian’s head. Gripping Don’s hips, Ian slid his mouth down the hard, thick flesh, swallowing as he did so. Don’s grip in Ian’s hair tightened and Ian tightened his grip on Don’s hips in response.

Footsteps on the stairs warned Ian they were out of time and he swallowed once more, moving one hand to twist the plug in Don’s ass as he did so. It was enough, Don made a choking sound and Ian’s mouth was flooded with come. Ian swallowed the bitter liquid, easing back on Don’s cock as he did so.

Letting the spent cock slip free, Ian quickly pulled Don’s jeans up to his waist, regretting the fact they didn’t have time to enjoy the afterglow.

“Don, dinner’s ready!” Charlie’s voice called from the stairs.

“We’ll be right there,” Ian called back, knowing that for the moment Don wasn’t capable of speech.

Looking at Don, he could see that coherence was returning to his face, as the flush of sex receded. “I’ll go ahead,” Ian said, standing up, ignoring the ache of his own cock in his pants. “You take a couple of minutes to get yourself together.”

Don nodded, still somewhat hazy in the aftermath of the mind-blowing orgasm. Ian pressed a quick kiss to Don’s lips and headed out of the bedroom. He was looking forward to Don being on edge all evening, until Ian was able to get him back to his apartment and fuck him senseless. It promised to be a lot of fun.

round 011, fic: schmoop

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