Admin: Hiatus

May 08, 2010 13:20

Because there have been no challenge responses posted here in many months, and I don’t really have my head in the Numb3rs game at the moment, Numb3rs Flashfic will be going on indefinite hiatus ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

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spikedluv May 9 2010, 11:44:57 UTC
It's absolutely okay! I've been distracted by Kradam lately and new challenges have been going up every four weeks instead of two because I miss it, and since it's been basically just me posting challenges for a couple of months now I figure, eh, maybe everyone would like a break. *g*

But please, if you have fic for any of the prompts, feel free to post it! I'd love to see fic posted here. *g*


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spikedluv May 10 2010, 14:13:34 UTC
You're welcome!

Yeah, it really has. And for me personally it doesn't help that my brain has been taken over by a new obsession.

I know! It was the first N3 comm I created, so it does hold a special place in my heart, but it hasn't been all that active in ever, really, sadly. *g*


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spikedluv September 21 2014, 15:49:45 UTC
Yes, that would absolutely be okay! As I mentioned above, all of the prompts remain open and posting is still open. I'd love to have new fic posted here!


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spikedluv September 22 2014, 20:01:41 UTC


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