Title: Don Had it Coming - Prompt 166: Defense

Nov 22, 2009 22:45

Title: Don Had it Coming
Characters: Kim Hall, Robin Brooks, Jessica Malloy (Season three's "Burn Rate), Liz Warner, Megan Reeves, Terry Lake, Nadine Hodges
Prompt 238: Spark
Summary: Spark? Oh, I thought the prompt was SPORK! Nevermind.
Prompt 166: Defense
Category: Gen
Rating: K+
Word Count: 300
Disclaimer: Characters are so not mine. Music from Chicago isn't mine.

"Don had it coming," sneered Kim. "I told him that if he popped his gum one more time I was going to spork him. Well, he popped his gum and so I gave him a warning spork... right between the eyes!"

Robin nodded. "He had it coming," she said. "I thought I was his only girl and there was, what? Val, Terry, Nadine, Kim, Leah, Nikki (not Betancourt!), Liz... That's SEVEN! Damn serial monogamist!"

"He had it coming," the others chorused.

"I had to spork him," sighed Robin. I had to. He's lucky I didn't lace his coffee with arsenic."

The other women nodded.

Liz complained. "He had it coming! Imagine, him accusing me of flirting with his brother? Like, I could be interested in a geek? Do I look like Megan?"

"Hey!" Megan said. "Is that why you sporked him ten times?"

"That's exactly why," Liz said coolly. "Was that wrong?"

"Nah," Megan said. She shook her head. "He had it coming. I need a partner I can trust. But..." she shook her head again. "I turn my back and he's teamed up with Betancourt." She took a slug of whiskey. "He had it coming. Cicero, I mean, seriously."

"Seriously," echoed Jessica. "My poor ex-partner. She was such a trusting flower and in her prime! Then he used her and abused her." She took a sip of vodka. "He had it coming."

Nadine took a slug of gin. "Mit keresek, enn itt?" she said.

"What?" Terry asked.

"Ignore her, she's drunk, Eppes fault," said Robin. "What's your story?"

"Ah," Terry said. "We broke up over artistic differences. Don saw himself as being whole, and I saw him as being sporked."

The others nodded and held up their glasses. "If you had been there, you would have done the same!"

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