Title: Walker's Turn - Prompt 228: Hurt

Oct 19, 2009 20:49

Title: Walker's Turn
Characters: Gary Walker, Don Eppes, David Sinclair, Liz Warner
Prompt 228: Hurt
Rating: K+
Word Count: 200
Summary: Why, hello, Gary
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine.
A/N: Done for tonight

Gary Walker stopped by Eppes' bullpen, ostensibly to drop off a copy of his report on the last case he and the Feds had closed. Actually, he was here for Agent Warner.

He stared as he passed through the forest of canes and crutches.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"There's a curse a-foot," Eppes said darkly.

"More like a foot curse," Sinclair grumped.

"You two are nuts," Walker said.

"You've been warned," Eppes said.

"Bah," Walker said.

He wasn't so skeptical when his date with Liz was cut short when the bursitis in his knees decided to make itself felt.

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