Title: Ice Scream
Prompt: 226 - Jump
Pairing/Characters: Don, Charlie
Rating: K
Summary: Some things never change
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: None
Notes/Warnings: Sorry for the earlier sloppy postings
Disclaimer: The Eppes are not now, nor ever will be, mine.
Don couldn't resist. Well, maybe he could have, if he had really wanted to.
However, the target du jour was just so... familiar. Charlie was working away at a chalkboard that was covered with numbers and incomprehensible symbols and squiggles. There were supposedly helpful little arrows pointing every which way.
Charlie had an iPod and earbuds instead of a walkman and earphones. He was bobbing his head in time to the music that only he could hear. He was completely oblivious to the rest of the world or to his imminent danger.
A few years ago, the very sight of Charlie and his chalkboard would have driven Don up the wall with exasperation.
Nowadays... He and Charlie got along well. He hadn't lied when he had told that journalist that he and his brothers were friends.
That thought made him pause. But only for a moment. He crept up behind his brother, slipped an ice cube from his tea and stuck it down the back of Charlie's shirt.
Charlie almost jumped out of his skin.
Don howled.
The more Charlie glared, the more Don laughed. Finally, Charlie was forced to grin.
"Will you ever grow up?" he asked.