150 Prompts Celebration - Five Things (R and NC17)

Mar 12, 2008 19:37

For those of you new to Five Things fic here's how it works.

You pick a topic/title that is a list of five things of your choosing then write a sentence or a paragraph for each of the five things on your list. There's also an offshoot where you choose five one way and one another.


Five Places Don Had Sex in Public and Almost Got Caught
Five Kinks People Assume Ian Has and One Surprising One He Does
Five Math Groupies Charlie Was Tempted By at Conferences
Five Women Don Wishes He'd Never Dated and One He Shouldn't Have Let Go
Five Bad Decisions Megan Made After She Left Home and One Good One
Five Signs Charlie and Amita Won't Last the Semester
Five Arguments David and Colby Got In That Ended In Bed

Post your fic in a comment, including basic info in the subject line if you'd like.

For this post fic should be R and NC17. Adults only. Anything goes!

Go have fun!
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