Prompt#018: Tense: "He and she"

Feb 05, 2008 23:00

Title: He and she.
Series: Cold numbers. (series finale)
NUMB3RS / Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles crossover.
Prompt: #018: Tense.
Rating: PG13
Summary: Colby and Sarah talk.
Word Count: 124
Spoilers: Sarah Connor Chronicles 1.01-3, Numb3rs 1.01 & 4.01-13.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters endemic to either series.

Quotation: “In my beginning is my end.” -?


“Your name’s Sarah Connor?” Colby asked, an idle question by the sound of it.

Sarah tensed, expecting the inevitable ‘how could you lie to me? I trusted/loved you. was anything we had real?’

She was fully ready to fire back at him ‘when has your life ever hung by the thread of a lie and nothing else? how long have you been hunted? and what’s wrong with wanting a life - however briefly - where you don’t have to worry about getting killed because of your name or your son?’

But what Colby did, surprised her. He held out his hand. “Sarah Connor, my name’s Colby Granger.”

Sarah looked at him, his face, and his hand. And she placed her hand on his.

They both smiled.
To Be Continued.

Author’s note: Originally, I was going to have them fight - but then Colby pointed out that he wouldn’t push the point - he knows what it’s like to live a lie like hers…to a point.
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