Prompt#021: Survival: "Flashes"

Feb 05, 2008 23:00

prelude to the finale of this series:
Title: Flashes.
Series: Cold numbers.
NUMB3RS / Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles crossover.
Pairing/Characters: Sinclair, Amita, Sarah, John, Cameron, Cromartie, Colby.
Prompt: #021: Survival.
Rating: PG13.
Summary: Once backup arrives, Sinclair relives moments of the last part of the standoff.
Word Count: 121.
Spoilers: Sarah Connor Chronicles 1.01-3, Numb3rs 1.01 & 4.01-13.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters endemic to either series.

Quotation: Time is a lie. The material world can disappear in an instant - it has, and it will again. -Sarah Connor.


“You okay, man?” Don asked.

David nodded.

Amita’d gone down the hall and called for FBI and SWAT backup, then…

Not even the smoke bomb Amita’d set off - how did she get it so thick without making it sink to the floor? - could obscure what had plainly and inexplicably happened. Cromartie had been thrown through a wall - not a window, a wall - and Cameron had set off in pursuit.

Before she’d chased him down, though, she’d looked at Sarah and said, “You like? Bluff.”

At some point, he remembered hearing the Connor woman yelling “You run!” at her son.

“She’s over there,” David said to Colby, nodding to where Sarah was sitting on a table, staring off into nothing.
The End
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