prompt:Support: "The next day" (3 of series; crossover)

Jan 31, 2008 23:21

Title: At the kitchen table the next day.
Series: Cold Numbers. (3)
Pairing/Characters: Sarah, John, Cameron.
Prompt: #053: Support.
Rating: PG-13

Summary: They find that Charlie Eppes has a role in the future.
Word Count: 256.
Spoilers: Sarah Connor Chronicles 1.01-3, Numb3rs 1.01 & 4.01-13.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters endemic to either series.

No amount of peace or serenity lasts forever - I know that better than most. All I ask is I get a quiet morning. But even that was doomed to fail as her son and his machine charged into the house (opening and closing the door, thankfully) and stopping at her table. At least I had a nice date.

She looked up at them.

“I think we’ve got our first lead,” John said, setting down the magazine on the kitchen table. “Well, our first independent lead.”

Separate from the list of photos we were led to, his mom understood. She took a look at the page John had opened it to. “The Attraction Equation?” and didn’t bother to raise an eyebrow at her son. “Is this your new way of dropping a hint? I’ll have you know -”

“Mom, I don’t care how your date went last night. Cameron recognized the author,” and pointed at the picture of - “Charlie Eppes.”

Looking around her son at the assassin, “Eppes helps build Skynet? I thought you said you didn’t know who was responsible.”

“We don’t,” Cameron said. “We do have compiled lists of all those - good enough, kind enough - to assist us.”


“Facilitators. Supporters.”

“Call ‘em what you want.”

And that was why Cameron didn’t mention what else she knew: that the woman mentioned in the article as Eppes’ girlfriend, would be in crosshairs shortly.

“Where’s this guy now?” Sarah asked.

“SoCal,” John said. “So…not that far from where you went on your date, right?”
To Be Continued.
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