Numb3rs Het Summer 2011 Fic Challenge!

Jul 18, 2011 01:21

Welcome to the Numb3rs Het Summer Challenge!

The format of this year's challenge is identical to last time. Below is a table with three categories: Person, Place, and Thing. To sign up, look through the lists and choose one word from each category so that you have a total of three words to make up your prompt, which you are then welcome to interpret/work with however you like.

To sign up, please leave a comment letting me know which prompts you've chosen!

This year the prompts will not be restricted to one person each, although I encourage you to consider ones that haven't been selected yet, and there is no limit on how many three-word combination prompts you may claim (i.e., on how many fics you can write). Here are the only rules:

Sign-ups: Monday, July 18 - Monday, August 8 (extended to make up for LJ's downtime)
Posting: Tuesday, August 2 - Monday, September 19

--Fic must be a minimum of 300 words.
--Fic must feature mainly het content and the Numb3rs universe/characters (please see comm rules for details).

Other Guidelines:
--Your fic may be any rating, from G to NC-17, and may contain any het pairing, canon or otherwise.
--Crossovers, AUs, and original characters are welcome.
--Fan art other than fic (e.g., drawings, manips, wallpapers, etc.) are welcome.
--Fic (and art) must be posted with proper headings, including at least the following:

Trigger/Content Warnings:

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments or e-mail me (sororcula at gmail dot com).

And of course, most importantly, have fun!!! :-)

# Person # Place # Thing
01 Child* 01 Los Angeles 01 Handcuffs
02 Classmate 02 California 02 Lingerie*
03 Doctor 03 New Mexico 03 High Heels*
04 Sales Clerk 04 Washington, D.C.* 04 Star
05 Counselor/Psychiatrist 05 New York* 05 Paper*
06 Celebrity 06 Idaho* 06 Identification*
07 Boss 07 Canada* 07 Key*
08 Co-worker 08 Mexico 08 Gun
09 Neighbor* 09 England* 09 Fire*
10 Parent* 10 Europe* 10 Passport*
11 Sibling* 11 Asia 11 Table*
12 Ex 12 India* 12 Computer
13 Spouse* 13 Africa 13 Envelope*
14 Politician* 14 Australia 14 Tattoo*
15 Lawyer* 15 Gym 15 Fragrance*
16 Student* 16 Airport 16 Pancakes*
17 Teacher 17 Park* 17 Whipped Cream*
18 Barista* 18 Apartment 18 Alcohol*
19 Landlord 19 Grocery Store 19 Coffee
20 Stranger** 20 Café 20 Book
21 Repair Person* 21 Doctor's Office* 21 Wedding Gown
22 Author 22 Crime Scene 22 Jeans*
23 Partner* 23 Restaurant 23 Flowers
24 Bartender* 24 School 24 Gift
25 Rival 25 Bedroom* 25 Music
26 Suspect 26 Bathroom 26 Package
27 Chef* 27 Kitchen** 27 Photograph*
28 Nurse* 28 Living Room* 28 Blog
29 Musician* 29 Hotel* 29 Baseball
30 Actor 30 Backyard* 30 Dictionary
31 Veteran* 31 FBI Headquarters 31 Tie*
32 Protestor 32 Prison* 32 Animal
33 Criminal 33 Desert* 33 Sweat*
34 Editor 34 Car* 34 Jewelry*
35 Photographer* 35 Party* 35 Gum
36 Law Enforcement Officer* 36 Temple/Church/Religious Institution 36 Prayer*
37 Rabbi/Pastor/Religious Leader 37 Tent 37 Badge
38 Best Friend 38 Island* 38 Chalk*
39 Babysitter 39 Courthouse* 39 Cigarettes
40 Receptionist* 40 Motel 40 Disguise

(* indicates a prompt has been claimed)

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