Title: sing one for the old times Recipient: galmaegi Group & Pairing: Winner, Seungyoon/Taehyun Rating: PG Summary: Kang Seungyoon gets signed to YG Entertainment, and Nam Taehyun decides to quit music.
i really, really liked this! your writing is so nice to read. i love how you described the creative process so well in this - music as analogous to colour or light, and the feeling when you know you're making something bad/endless dull dry spells vs. when you know something is good. and the way you wrote everyone was so good, like how taehyun's attitude comes across but deeply in his perspective? if that makes sense? the blend of real-life detail was so satisfying. and the ending made me shriek a little irl *embarrassed*
anyway, thank you so much for writing this!! this was the winner fic i wanted to read <3
(i don't know if it's okay to go back and respond to comments ahh) thank you so much!! i'm really glad you liked it, your prompts were so exciting and hard to choose from so i'm happy you're satisfied with how it turned out uwu
honestly this was SO INCREDIBLE and such a joy to read. there's so much texture to their lives and their relationships, and you establish it so fast and just really dig into the world you've created. the depth of taehyun and ksy's relationship and of taehyun's reaction to the "betrayal" especially made for such a fantastic, emotional arc. i'm just so endlessly charmed by this whole thing! i hope you're planning to write more winner fic!
oh gosh this made me blush, thank you so much!!! i will absolutely keep writing winner, they're my number one so i'm gonna stick around in fandom for a while :")
Comments 4
anyway, thank you so much for writing this!! this was the winner fic i wanted to read <3
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