I have changed my mind about the Last Airbender movie

Jun 24, 2010 15:49

Bet that got your attention, didn't it? No I am not the cleverest troll ever. It's not what you think.

As much as concept of what has been done to the film annoys/disgusts me, there is still the one thing that has bothered me in that I am a tactile person. (Not tacky, not tactless, tactile) I understand things better when I experience them rather ( Read more... )

brain bleach plz, fail, atla, no not my favorite!, film

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Comments 8

schweinsty June 25 2010, 01:04:06 UTC
Haha, I saw your title as I was scrolling my f-list. Biggest case of WTF?!? regarding AtLAfail ever.

And doesn't that just suck? I did the same thing with a couple of movies I used to *love* as a kid, and I was just sick at the racism and misogyny I used to take without question.


nthdraft June 25 2010, 05:36:11 UTC
yeah, I thought about that title for a bit. Then I thought, "well, it'll certainly get attention" so I decided to leave it in.

Saw Toy Story 3 tonight. Loved every bit of it. Will see it again. With the pass I was going to use for TLA. The more I think about not seeing it, the better I feel about it.


thewitness June 25 2010, 03:23:32 UTC
i used to love "breakfast at tiffany's" and my family did, too. however, when we watched it last year--for the first time since i was a kid--it was incredibly uncomfortable. my sister and i are adopted from korea and our parents are white. suddenly, we couldn't get past the rooney dressed up in "yellow-face" with buckteeth and a ridiculous psuedo-japanese accent. since then, i haven't been able to stomach that film at all.

and i agree with you about avatar--will not be seeing it. to the people who say it isn't about race...well, to some people, it is. i grew up having no asian-american influences, and as a kid and later as a teen, that really sucked. there was no one for me to look up to and think, "that person is just like me and he/she is doing great things." instead, it was always asian people as the bad guys or as the heavily-accented comic relief.


nthdraft June 25 2010, 05:46:10 UTC
thanks for commenting. Your icon is awesome, I always wanted a bunny shaped "hat ( ... )


boogybunny June 25 2010, 11:11:01 UTC
Totally off topic, but howcome you didn't see back To The Future movies until two years ago?

@Thewitness: Bunneh! ^_^


boogybunny June 25 2010, 11:14:12 UTC
Oh damn, I just googled Tales of the Gold Monkey.. I used to love that show. Well, the scrummy lead and the dog anyway. Good thing I don't remember more about it, I guess.


nthdraft June 25 2010, 16:43:50 UTC
it was a personal choice I made, when I was working on my own time travel series, not to watch any other time travel movies so I wouldn't subconsciously grab onto any ideas from them. Then the 80's went away and I just never got to renting them, and so on... and then someone I used to work with basically goaded me into seeing them. They were okay, but not great ( ... )


boogybunny June 26 2010, 02:03:48 UTC
Aw, you might have watched the Back to The Future films too late. It's one of those series that defined my childhood so I'll have to absolutely disagee with you on then not being great. :D

I can totally understand your stance though as I do the same thing with books. I have still yet to read a single Harry Potter book though I've enjoyed most of the movies. Same thing with dem damn Dan Brown novels. All of which leads people to ask if I read ANY books at all. Well yeah, but I don't have to be reading the same damn things everyone else is reading right now, do I?

I didn't realise there was a film adaption of A Handmaid's Tale. #learnomethingneweveryday


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