more twilight crap! Run for your lives!

Mar 30, 2010 09:22

Stephenie Meyer has a new novella coming out. Featuring a Twilight vampire.

The comments below are hilarious. I particularly like this one: I believe the complete title is ""The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: A Novella That Will Pay For My New Condo."

fail, twilight

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Comments 5

jack_rowen March 31 2010, 19:43:38 UTC
lol @ that comment.

From what my Twilight fan friend told me, Ms. Meyer said that the novella is a "gift" to her fans. To which she replied, "You're not supposed to pay for gifts."

Also, since it features a character that none of the fans really know or care about, a character who will probably only get a few lines-if that in the movie, I don't really see how the fans will appreciate it.

The hardcore fans, yes. But the rest of them? Especially if the novella doesn't give any new or interesting information about the main characters or the series as a whole? I don't see them caring too much for it.

Why publish it? Other than the obvious? ($$$$$$$$$$$$$)

But who knows, it could have been her publishers who pushed for it. But again, she could have said no. Well, at least it's also going to a great cause.


nthdraft March 31 2010, 20:51:53 UTC
I find it interesting that even after that other book whose name escapes me (the one with the big eye on the cover) in a whole other setting, she still has to keep coming back to the Twilight trough.

I'm beginning to think that will be the only thing her paying fans let her write. It's the Conan Doyle thing, the whole "yeah, the dinosaur book is okay but when are you writing another Holmes story" scenario, except of course for the whole "Twilight is not Sherlock Holmes" thing :-)


nthdraft March 31 2010, 21:22:13 UTC
oh now I remember, it's The Host. How did I remember this?

They're making a movie out of it. Gaah.


jack_rowen March 31 2010, 20:36:02 UTC
Also, to comment on another post of yours since there's no comments option ( ... )


nthdraft March 31 2010, 21:16:55 UTC

And more frustrating still not just when people don't even see a problem with it, but that they blame you for seeing it, for bringing it up, for pointing it out.

If you see the racism, then it's because YOU brought it. Like Hitchcock's birds or something. Everything was all sunshine and daisies and wonder bread till YOU showed up to point out the problem.

Next up: and besides which you were wearing a miniskirt so it's your fault.


(and I disabled comments because I didn't want to start a whole dogpile thread on anyone. But you have no idea how reassuring it is not to be speaking into a vacuum. Thanks)


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