Disney Fail of the Nth Order, Gold Plated

Mar 10, 2010 12:16

Apparently afraid that boys won't go see Disney films with princeses in them, they've renamed the Rapunzel movie "Tangled" and will focus more on the male character hero savior guy than the actual subject of the story, the girl, whose name is Rapunzel.

Oh, and they've pulled the plug on the Snow Queen.

Because, you know, teenage boys rule the world ( Read more... )

fail, movies, die in a fire, disney

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Comments 4

capnflynn March 11 2010, 02:03:44 UTC
Yeahhhhh... I read about the name change and thought, "What gives?" Then I read the explanation and thought, "Bwuh?"

Besides all the sheer dumb-ositude and wrong-headed thinking, "Tangled" is just a lame title for a movie!


capnflynn March 11 2010, 03:17:48 UTC
P.S. Looks like "Tangled" isn't even the official title ... yet. I read that "The Thief in the Tower" (yes!) and the original title, "Unbraided" were still in the running. Sounds like the higher-ups can't make up their minds, and even Lasseter is succumbing to idiot marketing-head thinking. *le sigh*


nthdraft March 11 2010, 08:39:29 UTC
It's just depressing. After the flailing around with "traditional cel animation is over!" and then "oops, we didn't mean it" I was hoping that starting with Princess and the Frog it would get back to the kind of films they were doing in the 90's... but after this, I am very very skeptical.

Let's rename all the movies to make room for the princes. Cinderella can now be "The Prince's Ball" and Sleeping Beauty can be "Prince Philip and the Dragon" and Beauty and the Beast can be "The Selfish Prince" and The Little Mermaid can be "The Prince And The Sea" and so on and so on.

Come on Lassiter. Don't choke in the clutch. Put it back the way it was and stop fiddling with it.


boogybunny March 11 2010, 12:43:39 UTC
"In rethinking "Rapunzel," Disney tested a number of titles, finally settling on "Tangled" because people responded to meanings beyond the obvious hair reference: a twisted version of the familiar story and the tangled relationship between the two lead characters."
LMAO! Wait, wut?


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