and a billion teenage girl dreams die like salt covered banana slugs...

Feb 15, 2010 22:51

this article cracked me up so bad. Robert Pattinson discusses that he loves his dog, and is "allergic to vaginas."

I could not make this up if I tried.

It's going to make shooting "Breaking Dawn" a little awkward, isn't it? XD

Oh and apparently he drinks. A lot.

Hell, with what the Twihards put him through? I'd buy him a drink. Call me an enabler, I ( Read more... )

things that are awesome, twilight

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Comments 2

boogybunny February 16 2010, 12:01:54 UTC
I keep reading that "Twithards". Not in the Twitter sense.


nthdraft February 18 2010, 02:03:01 UTC
All I can see on that is a movie sequel: Twithard 2: Twit Harder XD


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