boo hoo, nano style

Nov 15, 2009 12:33

Fun for the whole family! stolen from Wank Report (my additions are in italics):


first, self described "Semi famous fanfic writer" VirtuallyCJ posts to the 30's and 40's group forum (suggesting she is maybe old enough to know better) that she got almost to 50k and then openoffice updated and wiped 5k she hadn't backed up. She ( Read more... )

wank, lol, nanowrimo

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Comments 3

capnflynn November 15 2009, 23:55:00 UTC
You have an amazing ability to find this crazy stuff on teh interwebz. "Pay attention to meeeeeee!" Come on, lady; if you don't have redundant back-ups of your redundant back-ups, it's your own damn fault if you lose something.


jack_rowen November 16 2009, 00:38:44 UTC
Jesus Christ, somebody call the WHAAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE.


Oh, *NOW* you tell me. ext_284480 October 13 2010, 23:10:58 UTC
Wish I had found this *before* I engaged VirtuallyCJ myself this a.m. :-(


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