well that figures

Jan 09, 2011 11:27

Allegedly today is Snape's birthday. What figures is that he's a Capricorn male. No wonder he reminds me so much of my ex husband.

Wish I was making that up too. One day I might post pics of him, you'll see what I mean. Too bad I can't also post the personality to go with it. Or the fact that he used the name "Warlock" as a handle in the early days ( Read more... )

harry potter, lol, birthday

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Comments 7

boogybunny January 9 2011, 19:45:14 UTC
Are capricorn males prone to being so up themselves it's beyond silly?


nthdraft January 10 2011, 07:48:18 UTC
I have found this to be the case. I have dated many. In fact it got to be a joke from junior high school thru college that every time I ended up dating someone he was either a) named David b) a Capricorn or c) both. Believe it or not there was more than one Capricorn David on that list. I am a slow learner :-/


boogybunny January 11 2011, 11:33:34 UTC
Nah, you just have very specific requirements. Isn't all that Secret stuff about how you need to be really specific with the universe about what you want? One Dave The Capricorn comin' up!


schweinsty January 10 2011, 06:33:54 UTC
Ahaha. I had a friend who called himself 'Warlock' in RPS. He thought it made him sound cool :P.


oops nthdraft January 10 2011, 07:50:17 UTC
this was back in 1984. There were computers back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, you bet. I'm guessing he did the same thing for the same reason. Because it sounded cool.

(repost due to hitting the reply button too early)


Re: oops schweinsty January 10 2011, 08:19:30 UTC
Yeah. This is why I stick to sensible names myself, like 'Steelboobs McAsskicker'. Y'know, classy stuff that won't ever go out of style.


Re: oops nthdraft January 10 2011, 08:25:29 UTC
I'm laughing for many many reasons about that. Mostly because it reminds me of that one MST3K episode where they kept calling the hero "Beef McSixpack" and "Big McLargeHuge" and "Chunk Ironchest"


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