who designed this piece of crap, M. Night Shyamalan?

Jan 08, 2011 02:15

Hey peeps! What's wrong with this picture? Which I can't link directly to since it's a flash image but here's the page. Go on, I'll wait...


(if you guessed "painfully western ( Read more... )

racefail, doh, fail, are you kidding me?!, stupid

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Comments 2

schweinsty January 8 2011, 15:15:59 UTC

^^And I mean that in a purely omgwtfbbq sort of way. That's just...special.


nthdraft January 9 2011, 18:39:00 UTC
isn't it though. The really sad thing is I was looking at it going, "that's kind of nice but there's something off" and when I realized what it was I started laughing.

I went ahead and ordered a figurine from this company that looked really nice in the photos, but when I got it the hair and face makeup was so bad she looked like a backup singer in an 80's music video. I sent it back.


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