what would you do

Dec 18, 2010 12:50

if you saw these next to each other at the Walmart?

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lol, christmas

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Comments 12

schweinsty December 18 2010, 20:50:58 UTC
Lol. :D. Is it even real chocolate?


nthdraft December 18 2010, 21:09:00 UTC
yes, yes it is. Delicious nummy Easter bunny-type chocolate.


nthdraft December 18 2010, 21:10:24 UTC
oh wait, noes, I just read the package: wtf is "milky and chocolatey flavored candy"???!!

Dear Mr. Lolrus, I'll be over here; you can has the bukkit and I will has the yummy REAL caramel popcorn XD


schweinsty December 18 2010, 21:12:04 UTC

~I am the lolrus, you are the lolrus, kukucachoo...~


boogybunny December 19 2010, 04:54:11 UTC
It's a cruel faith to put the lolrus and the bukkit in different packages. Always so close, always separated by cellophane.
Walmart employees are clearly meme-savvy. Ossumsauce. :D

Milky = sorta milk flavoured but not milk
Chocolaty = not chocolate at all, but it is brown and yum


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