Title: And Now There was You Author: llaras Prompt: Het Pairing: Book/Inara Rating: PG Warnings: AU. Summary: What she didn't expect to find was a purpose.
This is a very fine AU, and so true to canon at the same time. I love ho you've woven the unfinished or unexplained Firefly stands together and then wham! Crossover.
Thank you! I've had a lot of thoughts about this since I first saw the pilot episode. The interaction between Book and Inara was interesting and made me wonder what Joss might have had planned. I'm glad I was finally able to do something with that.
Comments 16
This is a very fine AU, and so true to canon at the same time. I love ho you've woven the unfinished or unexplained Firefly stands together and then wham! Crossover.
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