Title: Strong Enough (1/?)
nsahdmdto Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine. I am only playing in Joss' sandbox for a while
Rating for this 'chapter': PG-13 (though the story over all may be an R or NC-17)
Spoiler warning: post BDM so anything goes
A/N: No matter how hard I try to get around it, it looks like this one will not have the happiest of
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Comments 3
PS. If you post over there you will get lots of comments. The people are great at that site.
I actually did post this there, but as it was January it is pretty hard to track down there. And you're right, everyone there is great. I really wich I got more of a chance to comment because I'm pretty sure I've read every single post there and I love all of them. *cuddles River and Jayne*
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