Special Challenge 001

Apr 30, 2008 00:23

Welcome to our first challenge and recommencement of ns_stillness! :-D I'm rather excited (okay very) and I hope that I will be a good mod, and that all of you will enjoy participating here. :-)

This is a special challenge, and instead of making only icons, the task this round is to design a new header as well as a default icon for the community. Each header and it's icon will be judged as a set, and the winner's work will be used to grace a new layout for the community. :-D

Rules and info behind the cut!

Both the icon and the header must clearly say "ns_stillness" somewhere, and your submissions must come as a set -- i.e., a header and it's matching icon, not two icons. Each person may submit two pairs (1 header and 1 icon).

I'm borrowing our own lovely spikesbint's size guidelines from a similar challenge, so your headers must be either 750x300px or 750x400px or 800x350px or 800x400px. PNGs are strongly recommended and preferred for their quality and clarity, but JPGs are also fine.

You may use any images you like, but I've provided a ton few just to get you started. Be creative! Stock images blended in, and quotes from the book and/or movie are all allowed, just please make sure to use the actors and actresses in their roles. As always, no animation are allowed, for this is a stillness contest, after all. ;-)

You have two weeks, until May 14th at 8:00 PM PST to submit your creations.

Submit your entries in a comment to this entry and please be sure to provide the image as well as a URL for your icon. Also, please be so kind as to include a 200px high thumbnail of your header along with your entries, in order to make voting easier for everyone. :-)

Entries submitted after the deadline WILL NOT be accepted, and neither will "altered/changed/fixed" entries after the deadline. Also DO NOT make your entries public until after the voting has been announced. This means not uploading anything on LJ's image gallery or your userpics.

Sorry to have so many rules and such, but I wanted to be sure and cover everything. If I've missed something however then please feel free to ask questions! :-D

(all images courtesy of desert-sky.net)

click thumbnails to enlarge

Have fun!

special challenge 001

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