Comment here if your character will be leaving NP, or going on hiatus. Please be considerate of other players and include a plot for your character's exit, which can be approved in this post
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I only get to thread him with Lena's first year and since she's pulling her, I don't see very many opportunities to play him. I love the character and if anyone is wanting a thread, I am still willing to play him in journals.
I may end up doing the same with a few other characters.
I'm turning the first two journals over to Nino and Gemma respectively so they can get someone else to play those characters if they wish. Thomas will just become an NPC again and he'll be available to journal thread when needed.
Comments 26
spunkymari, because I've almost never threaded her and there's really no point to her being played.
and precociousizzy, because I only ever thread her with Crystal's character(s) and she doesn't have much point beyond that.
I might be doing the same with others, but I need to consult with people first.
I really can't play her to the best of my ability, and I don't enjoy playing her that much, so really, it's for the best :D
Thanks! ^^
I only get to thread him with Lena's first year and since she's pulling her, I don't see very many opportunities to play him. I love the character and if anyone is wanting a thread, I am still willing to play him in journals.
I may end up doing the same with a few other characters.
I'm turning the first two journals over to Nino and Gemma respectively so they can get someone else to play those characters if they wish. Thomas will just become an NPC again and he'll be available to journal thread when needed.
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