Urgh, similar issues make me want to have no carpeting at all. (Toeffe misses the box slightly, with some regularity; I've since put chair mats under all the litterboxes, so now it's easy to clean up, but I didn't realize what was happening for some time, because the carpet was soaking it up. Ugh.)
That was one advantage of a light-colored carpet: it was pretty clear pretty fast what was happening, at least once I went in that room and took a good look. It was harder to tell that it was happening AGAIN.
I really hope this takes care of the problem with that room for good and all. Once I have two litter boxes to clean I'll have to be twice as diligent.
Comments 2
I really hope this takes care of the problem with that room for good and all. Once I have two litter boxes to clean I'll have to be twice as diligent.
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