"По Сеньке и шапка (по Ереме колпак)"Для начала надо обратить внимание на тех кто имеет размер головного убора 63, пропорционально сложен 54-56 и выше 186.
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Для отбора мозгов способных выполнять те или иные задачи необходим как минимум Томограф разрешение 1 микрон рентгеновской оптикой - Tomographieauflösung 1 Mikrometer mit Röntgenoptik - Tomography resolution 1 micron with X-ray optics Профессор Доктор биологических наук Сергей Вячеславович Савельев утверждает, что сейчас 100 микрон самое большее разрешение
we summarize brain-wide optical tomography ..... mouse brain at a one-micron voxel resolution, and the long-distance pathways
at 1-μm voxel resolution using micro-optical sectioning tomography (MOST)
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X-ray micro-modulated luminescence tomography (XMLT)
One imaging modality, X-ray microcomputed tomography (microCT) shows promise as a cost-effective means for detecting and characterizing soft-tissue structures, skeletal abnormalities, and tumors in live animals. MicroCT systems provide high-resolution images (typically 50 microns or less), rapid data acquisition (typically 5 to 30 minutes), excellent sensitivity to skeletal tissue and good sensitivity to soft tissue, particularly when contrast-enhancing media are employed.
the open MRI
Due to its high field intensity (3.0 Tesla), our new open MRI is suitable for all examinations. Whether joints, internal organs, nerves or vessels: completely without the use of x-rays, the inside of the human body is made visible and detailed, accurate representations of all areas and smaller parts of the body are generated.