Laura Roslin

Sep 11, 2011 22:57

Today I bring to you, unedited, snippets from a paper devoted to her. Spoilers for the entire BSG show.

Feminine behaviour )

fandom: women are love

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Comments 4

shiv5468 September 11 2011, 21:26:20 UTC
Rolly eyes. I'm not sure whether I dislike the analysis or the underlying show, but that makes me ... discontented. I don't like the idea that we have to accept the gender binary as our starting point, because I reject the gender binary as inadequate and inaccurate.

Also, what does it mean to say that the female military are more suspicious? Do they mean questionable / dubious character?


novin_ha September 11 2011, 22:45:34 UTC
We probably don't have to accept it as the starting point, but the show overtly claims to destabilize it while - in my opinion - reinforcing it. For a text that's supposed to show a post-gender world, there is a lot of gender fail, beginning and ending with the fact that women (especially women of colour) die while white men survive.

I know that bit about suspiciousness is slightly awkward :/ It's supposed to mean, iirc, that narratively something is presumed to be wrong with them, making them more likely to abuse power / prove to be unstable.

And I'm stuck wondering whether critical gender analysis necessarily reinforces the binary opposition by assuming it, or can be useful towards undermining it.


shiv5468 September 11 2011, 22:57:28 UTC
Ah, I agree with that about BSG. Something else I gave up on fairly sharpish because I didn't like the gender politics.

I tend to think the former, mostly. I just don't know what the alternative is. It's useful for saying where you are, but not where you want to be, and a lot of the time it just turns any female portrayal of catch 22.

Sighs. I hope I'm not harshing your fandom love for women.


novin_ha September 12 2011, 06:42:23 UTC
You aren't! I very consciously chose two women characters from texts I have a lot of issues with. Your comments are much appreciated :)


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