Advent Calendar Writing Meme: December 02

Dec 07, 2007 11:34

Title // A Time of Hope
Author // Meridian (View All Fics)
General Info // Rated G, All characters and ideas associated with The Bourne Trilogy (film and books) belong to their respective creators.
Fandom // The Bourne Movies, Jason/Nicky
Other // Written for rodlox for the December 02 request over at my Calendar Writing Meme.

The familiar not-quite-smile reappeared. It was odd how that was the most comforting gesture he could have made right then. Jason Bourne had brought her a Christmas present. )

writing: advent calendar, writing, writing: challenge, writing: bourne

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Comments 3

rodlox December 7 2007, 19:17:54 UTC
hope! hope! hope!

I love this! thank so much!

nice use of whether he's Webb or Bourne, terrific way her heart skipped a beat, and how her life's changed. Wonder if Jason's pleased she was tough to find - since if he had difficulty, nobody else should be able to find her.

this is a lovely ficlet. dare I ask or a sequel or another Nicky/Jason ficlet?

(if I'm rambling, say so)

hope! hope! hope!


noveltea December 8 2007, 12:26:47 UTC
You're very welcome. It's not an imposition, I assure you. I love writing Nicky. I don't know when I'll get a chance to do another N/J ficlet, but I will probably get around to it soon. Maybe a sequel, but I'm not so great with the long-ish fics. Short, stand-alone pieces seem to agree with me more. :D But we'll see.


rodlox December 24 2008, 03:41:09 UTC
I'm glad I was able to find this to re-read it. it's a lovely Christmas story.

*hugs you*

Merry Christmas, to you, your friends and family, and your Bourne and Nicky muses.


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