Fic: Ghost of the Past, by Novellect, Chapter 4 [Rating: R]

May 04, 2015 01:39

Daenerys ran downstairs as fast as her legs would carry her.

She hoped she wouldn’t be running into a bloodbath.

Hoped that she’d be able to intervene in time.

She didn’t want to have to follow through with her earlier threat.

Once downstairs the scene was far more controlled than Dany had expected it to be. It seemed the bulk of the damage was directed at the furniture. The dining room table was flipped, the chairs were tipped over and broken, and glass shards from a vase were scattered around the floor next to the far wall.

Klaus had Viserys pinned.

A broken chair leg being used to cut off his windpipe.

Viserys was turning blue right before her eyes.

Dany came upon the scene and hesitated, part of her knew she needed to stop Nik, but the other part wanted to let him defend her. It was only a moment’s pause and then she quickly came to her senses.

“Nik, stop!” Running over to them, Dany squeezed herself into the small space between their two bodies, her hands pressed flat against Nik’s muscular chest. Dany’s violet eyes glared into the Hybrid’s angry blue-grey ones. He didn’t try to explain his actions, simply took a half-step backwards, but his hold on the chair leg was still firm. “You promised me,” she said vehemently. “Don’t go and break that promise already.”

“How can you protect him? How can you allow yourself to be a prisoner inside such an environment?”

“You promised,” she repeated. “You are one of the few people I’ve managed to make a connection with since moving here. Don’t force me to sever this friendship.”

Dany’s voice was hard and had the affect she desired. Almost immediately, Nik released Viserys. Who slid down the wall sputtering for oxygen, and Dany kneeled down to check on him. Viserys looked around the room wildly, until his eyes landed on his attacker, and then to his sister.

“Who… who the hell is this?!” He shouted hoarsely as he struggled to right himself.

“He’s a frien-..,” her voice cut off when his fingers wrapped tightly into her hair and pulled her face towards his.

Dany gasped.

Viserys started to speak.

Nik snatched the hand from Dany’s hair and growled lowly. “Word of advice, mate,” his grip tightened and Viserys shouted in pain. “Don’t touch her.”

Daenerys didn’t stop Nik this time.

She was a bit bewildered, actually.

He had reacted so quickly. It was almost as if defending her was second nature for him. A small smile formed on her lips. It was like he couldn’t help himself, even if she were to ask him to stop. Her hand touched Nik’s arm lightly and she had his attention instantly. The smile she gave him never wavered making his actions pause as he gazed deeply into her eyes.

“Let go of me!” Viserys yelled, reminding the two of his presence.

“Hm… yes, well… what should we do with him, love?” There was a mischievous tone accompanied with his words. The playful sound had Dany giggling which brought a smile to the Hybrid’s face.

Viserys’ head snapped towards his sister as he glared at her. “Why you little-”

“We’ve already come to an agreement,” Dany interrupted. “My decision still stands. You won’t harm him.”

Nik was looking at her critically, but a smile still played on his lips. “You are either foolish or very bold. Those who have tried giving me orders in the past have never lived for very long afterwards.”

“And yet… here I sit.”

“For now,” he shrugged.

Dany smirked. “You won’t hurt me.”

His eyebrows rose. “Such confidence! What exactly, might I ask, makes you so certain of this?”

“By all means,” her eyes stayed locked on his blue-grey ones. “Release Viserys and leave if I am mistaken. He will surely get the job done for you.” She didn’t know why those words came out of her mouth. Honestly, she didn’t. Even if it was the truth; baiting Klaus the way she just did wasn’t the smartest thing for her to do. Her eyes widened as his darkened. Her grip on his arm tightened just as his hold on Viserys’ wrist gradually did the same. The sounds of whimpers and pleadings slowly grew in volume. Dany scooted a little closer to Nik and she spoke softly and urgently. “Please, stop. I shouldn’t have said that. Don’t. You promised.”

Nik growled.

Dany pleaded with her eyes.

Viserys continued to whimper.

“Just compel him,” she persisted. “Make him forget all of this. Then he won’t do anything.”

“Until another incident like yesterday happens,” he spat.

She winced.

Took a minute.

“Why do you care?” She said slowly.

“Would you prefer if I didn’t?”

His quick retort had her pause. She didn’t know how to reply and thus said nothing. She had never had to deal with such a dilemma before and had no idea how to proceed. He must’ve noticed this fact and brought his face closer to hers, his angry eyes never leaving her unsure ones. It was an intense moment that stole Dany’s breath away. He growled out, “If I let him go, you’re not staying here.”

“But he won’t remember,” she reply quickly.

“I don’t care.”

Dany shook her head. “What’s the point? I would have to come back eventually. I can’t stay away.”

“Why not?”

“Because…,” she paused not wanting to divulge on information she didn’t know much about. Besides, she had just met Nik the other day, what she was hiding was by no means any of his concern.

“Because what, Daenerys?”

“Because making him forget the incident won’t make him forget about me. He’ll still expect me to come back.”

Nik scoffed. “I can make him forget you even live with him, if not your existence entirely.”

“N-no… you can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

She hesitated again.

“Because she still needs me,” Viserys answered hauntingly.

Dany paled.

Viserys now had Nik’s full attention.

“Needs… you… for what?” Nik shook her brother until his purple eyes were looking frightfully into the commanding blue-grey ones. Dany noticed the change in his tone of voice even though Nik was now near shouting levels. “Answer me!”

“For the one who’s after us,” Viserys whimpered quickly. “The man who killed our family.”

Nik’s eyes immediately went to Dany, surprise, shock, and worry was evident upon his features. “Who?” His voice was much softer as he directed his question to the female.

She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “I… I don’t know. Viserys never told me who.”

Klaus’ attention switched again and his voice hardened into another lull. “Tell me his name!”

Viserys was breathing heavily, she could see the thoughts in his head running a mile a minute before he finally gave in and answered. “Mikael! His name is Mikael.”

Everything suddenly seemed to freeze.

Klaus stared.

Viserys whimpered.

Dany watched the horrified understanding dawn on Nik’s face. Her eyebrows furrowed in curious suspicion. “You know him.” It wasn’t a question.

Blue-grey eyes looked up at her and Dany was shocked with what she saw. Fear. Pure, unmistakable fear. And before she even realized what she was doing, her fingers were lightly running through the stubble along his jaw. He didn’t move underneath her touch, merely stared at her as if he were reliving through one of his worst nightmares. She didn’t understand and images started clashing together in her mind once again. She imagined Nik with longer hair and medieval clothing, with that same, frightful expression marring his features.

She had to blink the incorrect images away.

“Who is he?” Dany asked softly.

Nik shook his head. “No. It can’t be. It can’t. Not again.”

He suddenly stood up, releasing his hold of Viserys’ wrist finally, and started pacing the length of the room. Dany backed away from her brother quickly as he turned in on himself, much like she had done the night before, and curled his body around his wrist. The female stood up and crossed her arms around her torso as she watched Nik pace. She wondered what was going on inside his head and how he knew this Mikael person. Was that man after him too? She was suddenly worried. Nik was the strongest creature she has ever come to meet and now even he was frightened. What could scare him? Of all people.

Dany felt the sudden urge to ask, though her voice was spooky calm, she whispered, “Are we going to die?”

Nik stopped and looked at her.

He debated.

Then relented.

“You…,” he walked up to her, looking directly into her eyes, while keeping his hands down by his side. “You are in a lot of danger.”

She swallowed back her fear. “How much?”

“I’m not certain.”

Dany took a breath. “Who is he?”

Klaus warred with himself as a fleeting expression of despair crossed his face. He then took a few more minutes of silence as he looked around the wrecked dining room. Then his eyes landed on Viserys. Pure hatred seeped into his gaze and then he was pulling Dany towards the other side of the room. Close enough that he could still see Viserys, but far enough away that he won’t over hear what Klaus was revealing to Dany.

His blue-grey eyes focused on the window before he began his explanation. It was easy to tell he didn’t want to have to talk about this, especially not under such conditions.

He steadied himself.

“Mikael is… callous, brutal, unfeeling, cunning, and ambitious. Those who unfortunately land on his radar stay there until Mikael knows he’s exterminated them.” His blue-grey eyes shift uncomfortable around the room and then he stepped closer to Dany. “There’s… there’s no way to escape him forever. I’m honestly surprised that, as humans, you and Viserys have been able to evade him for so long.” Nik was standing so close. So very close. She could feel his breath wash across her face, sense the tension in his body as he struggled to keep the small space between them, and though his words spoke of unavoidable danger, his eyes were vivid expressions of a fiercely possessive protection. It was a heady electrification. Alighted within the narrow distance between them.
Daenerys was scared, absolutely. She’s finally found out the name of them man who has been hunting down and exterminating her family for years. First her eldest brother, along with his wife and child, then her parents, which left only Viserys and herself to try and survive. There was no true certainty that the siblings would be able to outrun him much longer since recently they’ve been forced to move more frequently than they used to. But there was something about being around Nik that made her feel undeniably safe. She couldn’t explain exactly why. Asking her about it would only confuse her on the subject more. Perhaps it was the way he so readily comes to her defense, or the way his eyes promised her the world and more, or maybe, just maybe, it had something to do with that odd familiar feeling she always had around him. It was all exceedingly perplexing.

However, even though she felt safe with him, she wasn’t blinded from the moments when he was holding something back.

“How do you know him?” She asked simply.

Nik looked at her, scanning her face as he took a slightly frustrated breath. “He’s my step-father. And the man who, alongside my mother, made my brothers and sister the monsters we are.”

Dany blinked; astonished by the news she was just given, and in addition, becoming even more confused than she already was. It just didn’t make sense. “But…,” she started, shaking her head slightly as she tried to get her thoughts in order. “Why would your step father be hunting my family down? Has everything in our lives been in some way supernatural related?”

Nik didn’t answer. He only looked at her with that fearfully sad expression. Dany’s arms were still wrapped around her torso in a vice-like hold and her finger nails started digging into her arms. “You know something else,” she challenged. “I know you do. I can tell.”

This time he just shook his head at her. “Now isn’t the time for that, sweetheart. We need to get you somewhere safe.”

“Somewhere safe?”

“Of course.”

Dany shook her head in protest. “I don’t want to have to move again already. We just got here. I’ve made friends and-”

“Whoa there, love. Calm down,” he held his hands up in a placating way. “I was only implying a…,” he bobbed his head back and forth considering his wording. “Relocation to a nearby residence.”


He looked her straight in the eye. “I want you to come back to my family’s home and stay there.”

“No… I-I couldn’t… I don’t want to burden-”

“It’s not a burden,” Klaus interrupted. “If it were, I wouldn’t have offered. Besides, what better way to keep yourself protected from the supernatural than to have a houseful of Original vampires at your side?”

Though Dany knew he was right, she didn’t want to feel like any more of a charity case than Viserys already made her feel like. Again she shook her head, protesting that she couldn’t impose on them in such a way, that she and Viserys had survived this long, and each argument she made only proceeded to make Nik continuously shake his head. Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, another voice, the owner once again forgotten by the duo, spoke out above him.

“You can’t just take her away,” Viserys said. “She’s my sister. My responsibility. Where she goes, I go.” The subtle meaning behind his words did not go without her notice. If there was one thing Dany could say about her brother it would be with undoubted certainty that he was no fool. He could grasp when something would benefit him, even if it wasn’t something he was particularly happy about, or could understand entirely, and would use it to his advantage.

Apparently Nik understood the meaning as well for he started growling. In a flash, he was in front of the silver-haired male, and looking deeply into his eyes. “Sit your ass down on the couch. Stay there and shut up!”

Without any hesitation Viserys did immediately what Nik told him to do and stared blankly at the dark television screen.
Dany watched the scene unfold in fascination. When Viserys was seated on the couch she couldn’t help but comment off-handedly, “So it really does work…”

“Of course it does, love,” Nik replied. “I’ve never lied to you.”

Dany nodded. “I didn’t think you were.”

“Just couldn’t believe it till you saw it?”

She nodded again and he chuckled whilst shaking his head.

“What’s so funny?” She asked.

“Nothing,” he replied as he was attempting not to smile.


He shrugged as the corners of his lips curved a little higher up.

Daenerys shook her head and sighed looking around the room, looking anywhere but at that frustratingly adorable face of his. “You can’t really expect me to just leave Viserys to defend himself. He’s the only family I have.”

“I have no doubt that he would leave you in a heartbeat.”

“He hasn’t yet,” she looked directly at Nik this time, her eyes showing the war inside herself. “Our family was taken from us years ago, I don’t have any memories of my mother we were so young, and he never left me behind.”

A frustrated growl.

Pacing across the floor.

Hands rubbing against his face.

Dany felt awful, bringing all this stress into his life when there were surely more important things for him to worry about. “You don’t have to worry about us,” she tried to pacify him. “We’ve made it this long…”

“And how long do you really believe you can keep going? He is immortal, Daenerys. An Original. The Original Hunter.”

“I-…I’m not sure, but we will figure something out.”

“Why are you being so stubborn about this?” He asked.

“I am not being stubborn,” she replied indignantly. “I’m just trying to tell you not to worry about us.”

“I don’t give a damn about him. But you? Do you really believe I could just ‘not worry’ about what happens to you?”

“I don’t understand why! You don’t know me!”

“But I do! I do know you. I know… exactly who you are.”

Dany blinked in surprise. “How could you possibly…?”

Klaus shook his head, frustrated. “That doesn’t matter. Forget it. All that matters is Mikael and the fact that you’re in more danger than you even realize.”

Dany was confused. To her, it seemed like both matters where important. For him to claim he knew exactly who she was… she had a hard time believing that it didn’t matter. Did him knowing her have anything to do with the familiar sensation she always felt while near him? Or was she just stretching for excuses? It was too hard to say right now. She huffed out of annoyance and very nearly rolled her eyes.

“Both subjects matter actually. And one deserves just as much attention as the other. However, for now I would be willing to put aside one topic to focus more on the other. But this in no way means I’m letting it go.”

Nik sighed. “Alright love, but let’s just tackle it all one thing at a time. Deal?”


“Wonderful! Now, back to Mikael.”

Dany nodded to affirm the subject redirection.

“I want you to stay at the mansion. Having my siblings and myself there to protect you will be much safer than staying here.”

“But won’t that also be putting you and your family in danger?”

“We’re already in danger.”


“Mikael has a very long list and it just so happens that you are not on the top of it. Those spots are reserved for much bigger prey.” Towards the end of his statement his voice turned eerily dark.

“Bigger prey?” She blinked as she contemplated what he was revealing. Then after a few seconds she gasped, “He’s hunting you down too?”

His blue-grey eyes focused on the trees outside the window.

“So we are putting you in danger as well…”

Nik scoffed. “Don’t be foolish. We’ve been in danger our entire lives. You are doing nothing.”

“But he’s coming after us right now. We could be leading him right to you.”

“Mikael would’ve found us eventually. I’ll come up with a plan to keep everyone safe. Last case scenario, we’ll run.”

“Running works.”

He nodded. “Yes. Keeps you alive for a while longer,” however she could tell he wasn’t happy with the prospect.

“But you don’t want to run.”

He looked at her.

“You want to fight him… so why don’t you?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Explain it to me.”

“And if I don’t want to?” He asked, irritatingly.

She shrugged. He huffed.

“You can be extremely irritating sometimes, love. Were you aware of this?”

“Yes, now tell me why you don’t just kill him. There are more of you and your siblings than there are of him. Is he just that strong? Or does he hold something of yours against you?” So many questions were running around in her head and she had to quickly halt her inquiries before she got out of hand. Viserys always shouted at her for asking too many questions. Nik, however, simply chuckled and shook his head again.

“So curious about me and my family. Does this mean you like me, sweetheart?”

“Of course I do,” she said blatantly before she could quickly correct herself. “But purely in a friendship sort of way.”

He was smirking at her. Those stupid plump lips that were aggravatingly inviting.

“Well then,” Nik continued. “Shall we all pack the important things and head out?”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re going to my place, love. You did say your only objection was leaving behind that filth,” he gestured to Viserys. “Correct?”

“Y-you mean…”

Nik interrupted. “I only care about keeping you safe. I couldn’t give a damn about him, but if you insist on bringing him along then I won’t deny you.” He smiled at her at her warmly but then his expression went dark when he directed his gaze to her brother. “However, my siblings will know to keep you far away from whatever room Daenerys inhabits. Do not think the past will continue to be repeated.”
Viserys was looking right at Klaus. The whimpering fear he had been showing before now long gone. His face showed nothing but utter contempt and loathing. Dany had an idea of what was angering him. Her brother, though quick to give orders and demands respect, absolutely despises being told what to do. If Nik had not compelled him to be quiet, Dany was certain he would be shouting out profanities of all sorts. Klaus, who knew very well Viserys was still under his compulsion, smirked at the silver-haired male as his anger continued to become more and more evident. Minutes passed as they started at each other, until Nik decided he was done with his taunting, and focused his attention back onto Dany.

“Well then? Any more objections?”

Dany thought hard before she answered. Though it seemed like a foolish thing to do, she found herself leaning more towards accepting his offer. Not only would she and Viserys have more protection surrounding them, but Nik also promised to keep her brother at a distance from her, and even though she knew it was heartless, her happiness soared through the roof when she heard the finality in the Hybrid’s voice. All-in-all it seemed like a good plan. When Dany glanced over at Viserys, at his cold glare which clearly told her how to reply, she quickly focused back onto Nik. She sighed and then shook her head, looking out the window.

“Great,” he flashed closer to where Dany stood and tilted his head so he could look into her eyes. “I can help you pack if you’d like.”
Complying with his silent wish, her violet eyes focused onto his blue-grey ones, and she smiled slightly. “Overall… all of my things are still in their boxes. There are only a few random items I have to gather.” Then she looked down at her attire, noting that she was still only dressed in a button down shirt. “And I’ll have to change as well.”

Nik nodded. “Alright. When you’re done we’ll leave.” His attention was then diverted towards Viserys who was still silently seething from the couch. “I suggest you hurry and get yourself packed if you don’t wish to be left behind. Go.”

Without a word Viserys was up and moving. He went right upstairs only sparing a second to glare at his sister. A couple minutes after, before Dany went upstairs, she turned to Nik. “I have school tomorrow and I don’t plan on missing it.” Her statement made the Hybrid chuckle.

“I never planned on keeping you prisoner, love. I figured you’d want to go. I won’t stop you,” then he looked at her with those emotion-filled eyes boring into her soul. “I only want you safe and happy. That’s all. Not miserable.” For a while Dany could only stare back at him. She didn’t know what to say but she felt as her heart fluttered within her chest. The only one who had ever done that before was her dream lover. Her mind became stuck between two different realities before she shook herself out of her trance, and went to change clothes and gather her things, while Nik pulled out his cell phone to make a call.

Arriving at the mansion this time made Dany’s stomach churn. Even though he was in an entirely separate car parked behind hers, it was like she could feel the greedy glutton that resided within her brother, struggling to break free and rave about how grandiose the entire building was. Viserys always loved high priced objects. Coveted them for his own personal pleasure. Dany could only hope his actions wouldn’t reflect upon them too harshly.

Dany sighed.

Nik looked over at her, his eyes scanning her entire form, but he said nothing, instead he got out of the car and flashed over to help Dany out as well. “Come on love. Everything will be fine.”

Dany took his hand and he helped her out, just as they turned to start getting her things out of the car, the sound of a feminine voice called out for her. Purple eyes looked over and Rebekah suddenly appeared right before her. The silver-haired female started but then recovered quickly and smiled back at her friend.

“I’ve got your room all set up,” Rebekah said. “And Kol promised to be on his best behavior.”

Hearing this news made Dany laugh. “That’s good. I don’t want a repeat of the last time.”

“Trust me love,” Nik came up beside her, holding her overnight bag in one hand and one of her more important boxes under his other arm. “No one wants a repeat of that.” Dany smiled at him and then took her bag from his hand, flinging it over her right shoulder, so he could hold the box he had easier.

A scoff sounded in the background.

Three pairs of eyes focused on the source.

Daenerys knew Viserys was irritated before she made eye contact with him. His anger felt like it was rolling off him in spades. Before Dany could introduce him, however, Rebekah spoke up first.

“What the hell is that?”

Dany paled. She could see the indignant ferocity boiling underneath Viserys’ skin.

“I told you I had to bring her brother along as well,” Nik answered, sounding exasperated. “She couldn’t leave him behind apparently.”

“Don’t say it like that,” Dany quipped.

Nik shrugged. “Just being honest, sweetheart.”

Rebekah interrupted. “Well what the bloody hell are we going to do with him?”

“Why you-… Do not speak about me as if I’m not standing right here!” Viserys shouted but he was effectively ignored.

“He can’t be near her,” Rebekah continued on.

“Of course not,” the Hybrid answered indignantly. “Do not take me for a fool, Rebekah.”

“You know…,” Dany intervened. “I really don’t enjoy being spoken about as if I’m not standing right here either.”

“Our apologizes,” said Rebekah and Klaus finished her statement. “We aren’t trying to make you feel inadequate.”

“Then how about involving me in the conversation?”

“Alright. For starters I don’t think Viserys should be around you,” Rebekah stated. “I don’t give a damn if you two really are blood related.”

Nik then defended himself. “I’ve already made arrangements for you to reside in one of the upstairs bedrooms. Although if that room is not to your liking, then you are more than welcome to make a different selection, as long as the room isn’t occupied. Your brother, I’ve put in a room on the opposite side of the house, on an entirely different floor than yours. I didn’t think you would mind that though.”

They both looked at her, waiting for her decision like she had asked for. It was so strange to have them so attentive to her wants and needs. It felt like how her home life should have been. Part of her briefly worried about how Kol and Elijah would handle the new home additions, but from the comments made earlier, Dany had to assume she didn’t have too much to fear. Unable to stop herself a small smile spread upon her lips as she gazed between the two siblings that were more so alike than her and Viserys ever would be. Unfortunately, just as she was about to answer, Viserys decided to make his presence known once again. He was making a point, if Dany had to guess, because he walked up and stood directly beside Daenerys, glaring daggers at the two creatures that could rip him into shreds like wet paper. Subtly, his fingers wrapped around her elbow tightly; a warning of what was to come the moment they were alone. Dany struggled to keep her expression completely neutral as the blood circulation to her forearm was cut off.

“I am sick and tired of-,” Viserys’ voice was cut off when Rebekah’s hand clasped tightly around his throat and she shoved him roughly against the roof the car. In the same second Nik had pulled Dany away from Viserys’ grasp and place his body in a slightly protective stance in front of her. It was a blur of motion, and Dany’s eyes couldn’t catch everything that had happened, but her ears could clearly distinguish a pair of separate sets of growls.

Rebekah was the one who spoke. “What did I just get finished saying? Weren’t you told not to touch her?” He tried to speak and the blonde vampire simply slammed his head against the car roof once more as her voice dropped an octave. “You need to understand… You are nothing more than a measly little rabbit within our home. Food. Do you follow? The only reason you are still allowed to breathe is because Dany begged for your pathetic excuse of a life, why she would I will never understand, but that’s beside the point. My point is… you should show your sister more respect.”

“Careful sister,” Nik interjected. “Keep holding him that tightly and you’ll make all of Daenerys begging be for not.”

Listening to his reason, Rebekah’s hold loosened slightly, and Viserys took what little breath he could as the blue coloring dissipated from his face. “Well, I can see this is going to be an interesting new arrangement,” called a soft, warm voice from the distance. Everyone turned and saw the familiar figure of Elijah standing not too far away with his hands in his pockets and neutrally amused expression on his face. When his attention focused onto Dany she noticed an odd expression flicker within his wise, brown eyes, something akin to pity, but also with a mixture of conservation. Rebekah dropped Viserys and he heaved for oxygen as he worked on regaining his composure.

“Just getting my point across,” she said and then walked over to take Daenerys by the arm and lead her inside. “I’m going to show Dany to her room. You two can deal with that.” Then the two females left the men to their own devices. A sliver of worry seeped down into Dany’s spine as she wondered what they would do with her brother. Rebekah must have been able to sense the uncertainty. “Don’t fret. Nik wouldn’t do anything to upset you. Your brother will be very much alive later when we come back down for dinner.”

And that was that.

The girls went to the bedroom designated for Dany; a massive room with cream carpeting, mahogany furniture that included: a large bookcase in the corner, a nearby desk facing one of the windows with a breath-taking view of the garden, a dresser, a vanity, nightstands, and a queen sized bed with blue and brown colored comforters. It was a magnificent room, fully equipped with its own bathroom and large closet, and Dany couldn’t believe she was going to be staying there. It was all beautiful and meshed vintage with modernism very successfully. Looking close enough, Daenerys could still see the roman-esque detailing that was themed throughout the rest of the house, and was impressed that it enhanced the overall design. The girls unpacked the minimal amount of possessions Dany owned. As she looked around the room, the silver-haired female realized she would never acquire enough stuff to fill the space completely, and she shook her head at the sheer size of everything. This wasn’t even the largest room, as far as Dany was aware, and it was enough to make her feel like she had unwittingly entered into a new world.

Later on, dinner was served at seven and it was a normally peaceful meal, since Kol wasn’t at the house and Viserys refused to join. It was easy for Daenerys to fit into the Mikaelson’s flow; they made it easy, as if she had always fit within their family, like they were all old friends simply reacquainting themselves. Every so often, Dany would notice Klaus’ eyes lingering on her with that unexplainable look deep inside his blue-grey hues, and she could feel the way his gaze made her heart flutter. When she retired to the bedroom she inhabited, and got ready for bed, Dany off-handedly noticed that there wasn’t an incessant tugging sensation like the last time she had been here. Part of her wondered why that would be, and another part of her was glad she wouldn’t be blacking out and losing any more time, but there was also one more part, a smaller although strong part, that felt a panic that she couldn’t feel the pulse.

What did this mean?

Had whatever it was been removed?

Or had her mind actually concocted such an intense ruse?

writing, game of thrones, the vampire diaries, fanfiction

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