Title: Some Kind of Home
Pairing: Beca Mitchell/Chloe
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Nothing owned, no profit gained.
Spoilers: Light ones for Pitch Perfect.
Summary: Home is where the heart is; Chloe is just better at following hers than most people. Not that Beca gets that at all.
A/N: For another of Kay’s prompts.
Chloe is riffling through her top drawer when Beca looks up. )
Comments 4
I have found my new OTP. There shall never be enough.
You have the voices of Becca and Chloe down so well. Love Chloe's openness and Becca just not being able to get someone like Chloe. Their dynamic felt very true and accurate with what the movie presented, but you made it so much more interesting and deep. They were really likeable & worked really well together.
Wonderful, really enjoyed this.
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