Title: Bedrooms and Big Wins
Pairing: Santana Lopez/Brittany Pierce
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Nothing owned, no profit gained.
Spoilers: Through 3x22, technically.
Summary: Final installment, following
Fashion Show and
Living Rooms and Batman Shirts.
Watching Brittany run on a normal day is distracting. )
Comments 4
I am definitely a fan of Brittany cursing during sex. And I practically fell outta my seat when Brittany tasted herself. Holy mother of...
And just so you know, I'll never look at a Batman's t-shirt the same way again. (I know. Brittana is ruinning my brain XP)
Also, the image of Brittany running naked to a bedroom is very lovely indeed. *sits back for a moment to admire the view* Ah, yummy!
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