Drat. I just realized that I ought to have highlighted more clearly the significance of
The Odes of Solomon as evidencing a "realized eschatology," like the Gospel of John has, in the article being published in
Vigiliae Christianae. Like John, and in contrast to earliest Christian literature, the Odes seem not to expect an immanent return of
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Comments 1
Also I just have to say that my first reaction to this entry was: my grandparents would flip over this. I and my immediate family have always believed in a literal Second Coming and a Final Judgment (also, a new heavens and a new earth) in league with that, but never went any further in apocalyptic speculation. My grandparents, on the other hand, are straight-up pre-millenial dispensationalists. One of the first questions my grandma asked me in the year or so after I became Catholic, was whether Catholics believed in the Rapture. All I remember telling her is that the Rapture was not a part of the tradition, but Catholics of course believed in a literal Second ( ... )
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