Fic: Better than A Brick to The Head

Sep 26, 2008 12:25

Title: Better than A Brick to The Head
Author: nouveau_monday
Pairing: Van/Jake (and why yes, thank you, I am going to hell)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4.7kish
Summary: X-Men3 is really gay
Spoilers: Umm ... RPS, so no
Disclaimer: This is in no way true. Never was. Never will be. Jake and Van belong to themselves, not me. And this is all the fault of some people from Zomgwtf who suggested that we needed more RPS. And then someone suggested I try it, and then I did, and now I'm going to hell, but maybe people will enjoy the lovely decoration on the hand baskets.
Note #1: Thank you so much to elin_aurora for being a great beta.
Note #2: This is the events that happen directly after A Really Bad Idea, which is directly after I Dare You. I think it makes sense as a stand alone, but it's so much better with all of them together.

"That was -" Van scrounged for a word but came up empty.

"It really was." Jake smiled. "Everything I wanted."

"Oh." Van tried to focus past his own post-orgasmic state with minimal success. "You. I want to-" he gestured with his hand in the direction of Jake's dick.

"I, uhh, took care of that."

Van frowned. "That doesn't seem fair."

Jake shifted, shy all of a sudden, aware of how naked they both were. "The night isn't over yet." He shivered. "I've, umm, got another TV in my bedroom. Want to curl up in there with me and the X-Men?"

Van held out his hand to help Jake up from the ground. His hand trembled and his heart caught in his throat. "That sounds like the best idea so far."


"How did I miss this before?"

"Because you weren't having some weird existential gay crisis in which you decide you couldn't live life without my dick in your mouth?" Van maybe didn't want to admit it, but being curled up against Jake was amazing. Jake smelled like Indian food, alcohol, sex and a strange, not unpleasant, combination of the two of them. Van wasn't sure how he'd gone back to the refraction time of a teenager, but he wasn't going to complain about that either.

"You're an ass, Hansis." Jake yanked him closer. "Still," he whispered into Van's hair. "You might be onto something."

"Maybe you missed how gay this script was because you were checking out my ass. You seem to have a lot to say about it." He shut his eyes, denied that Jake's scent could be such a turn on after a blowjob. A really incredible blowjob. Jesus, had Jake been practicing? Van shook his head. There were some things better not to think about. He watched the Professor and Magneto interact with each other. "Some day I'd like to do a movie like this. Well, okay," he amended. "Maybe the first one or the second one. This one? Not so much."

"Except that it's really gay? Like, I don't know, gayer than you?" Jake's hands rubbed at Van's back, detailed soft swirls on his neck.

He didn't seem to mind Van's gayness. Or he hadn't. Fuck. Was it over? Had Van actually been the experiment he feared. "Yeah, well, you like it."

"Yeah," came the soft reply. "I really do."

Van tipped his head up, met Jake's stare. "You're not freaking out." A statement of wonder, not a question of fact. His fingers tightened in the fleece blanket wrapped around them. He didn't want to know if he was wrong, didn't care, just wanted this moment if nothing else.

Jake cupped Van's jaw, angled their heads and planted a soft, chaste kiss on his lips. "I'm not freaking out. I wanted this. And again, I'm going to have to ask you about a stroke or spontaneous Alzheimer's. Stop it. Now watch the movie and deconstruct for me how gay it is while I contemplate you as Wolverine." His hand rubbed Van's scalp, made Van want to purr while he leaned into Jake's strong and capable movements.

"Me as Wolverine? You're insane, dude. You. You would be perfect. We'd have to grow your hair some, but that'd be hot. And your canines? Much cooler to be Wolverine than a vampire. Mmm." Van stuck the tip of his tongue between his teeth as he pictured Jake in a leather jacket, his clothes and body roughed up in all the right ways. "Ripped, faded jeans. A white, or maybe grey, wife-beater. Leather jacket. Jesus, I'm turning myself on just thinking about it." His skin burned across his cheekbones. His throat ached. He pictured Jake as Wolverine in some of his favorite spank bank scenes, but figured maybe now wasn't exactly the moment to bring it up. Except in that the third movie sucked and that blowjob didn't, at least, not in a bad way. He coughed. Oh god, he couldn't do it. Was there an appropriate way to go from freaking out about the monumentally stupid idea of Jake wanting Van, to receiving an earth shattering orgasm, to confessing that maybe, just maybe, Van wanted nothing more than for Jake, all aggressive and growly, to be dressed up as Wolverine and then fuck Van through the mattress, against the wall, on the stairs, and various other places as well?

"Hey? Where'd you just go?" Jake's hand stopped moving.

"Nothing. I mean, what, no! Nowhere. I was just -" Van bit his lip, stared at the screen. "Shut up, so I can dissect the gayness going on here. And yes, Magneto and the Professor are definitely doing it when they go to Jean Grey's." He chewed on his knuckle and denied himself the moan arcing up his spine and threatening to spill out at the thought of giving himself over to Jake and saying Do your worst. Not that he knew what Jake's worst was, or even if Jake had a worst to do. Maybe Do your best would be better? Even though there had been that confession of not-quite-heterosexuality in high school, what did that really mean?

Jake slipped a hand to Van's stomach. "You just went somewhere again. Are you?" The echo of Jake's nervous swallow vibrated in Van's ear. "I mean, do you think this was a mistake?" The silence of Jake's held breath filled the room before he started talking rapidly. "You could, umm, I don't know, lie to me or something and just let me have the rest of the night. That would ... actually, that would suck. A lot. But it'd be better than you telling me I give lousy head and that we never should have done this and as soon as you find your lack-of-underwear and pants, you'll be leaving."

Van shook his head, realized belatedly that his gesture gave Jake entirely the wrong impression. "Look, it's not like that. At all. You're high if you think that was a bad blowjob. And of course I'm not going to lie to you. If I thought you needed tips on strategies, I'd have given them at the time. I don't want my dick bitten off on the repeat performance, y'know?"

"Repeat performance? Really?"

Van should have known that Jake wasn't relaxed, but the difference in his body was palpable. He turned his body to straddle Jake's, thigh to thigh and god it was hard (all puns intended) to concentrate. "My time to ask you about head trauma, I guess. Look, can we just cover this once and for all and move past it? Dares, lots of them, bad judgment maybe on my part, but I still stuck my tongue down your throat and loved every moment of it. Then next, Indian food and a smokin' blow job. Now, you and me in a state of undress watching a really bad movie while I daydream about you as Wolverine fucking me until I can't sit down for a week. That's what's going on. That's where we are. That's where I'm going when I daydream. Now," Van swallowed. "Are we clear enough for us to go back and watch the damn movie?"

Jake's grip changed. He palmed Van's back. "You want to go back to the movie after a proposition like that? You don't play fair, Hansis."

"On the contrary, I play more than fair." He leaned forward, licked a stripe from the dip in the center of Jake's neck up to his ear. "You have no idea just how good I can play." Van shifted again, rocked his cock against Jake's, scraped teeth across his ear before returning down the wet trail he had painted with his tongue to suck at his Adam's apple. The low indeterminate noises encouraged him further. "I just realized something."

"Nnngh. Christ, now? You realized something now?"

The edge of Jake's nails bit at Van's skin, confirming Van's image of Jake as Wolverine. "How come you're the only one who got to truth and dare tonight? Seems like you're the one not playing fair, Silbermann." Van's heart pounded. His dick throbbed. "I bet I could come up with a really good dare." He reached one of his hands between their bodies, wrapped his fingers around their collective hard-ons, nearly killed himself not moving. "So what's it gonna be? Truth? or Dare?" He held his breath, allowed himself to slip deep into the hypnotic blue of Jake's eyes. His hand remained frozen, delicious torture as Van ached to touch in ways he had wanted to do for far too long.

"Dare?" Jake blinked, confused. He wants me to think now? "Umm, yeah, dare sounds good."

"Don't want the truth first?"

Jake chewed his lip, shook his head. "I don't think I'd understand anything you said." And I don't know that I want to hear it.

"My game this time. So my dare." Van curled into the heat of Jake's skin, purred against his ear. "Want you inside me. Dare you to fuck me." He crawled off Jake's lap, put space between them on the bed, waited. He yanked a pillow toward him and frowned. "Why do you have so many pillows on your bed? Aren't these three usually on your couch?" Van knocked them to the floor.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Jake blurted out. "I mean, it's not like that hasn't been happening for months, and then you, you're tongue, my mouth, and Bollywood, and fuck." He dropped his forehead into his hands, tucked his knees toward his chin. "You are, aren't you? This is some weird, like, porno-version Candid Camera thing, and you're literally trying to kill me." He bit at his thumb, hated his nervous habits.

"No? What? I asked you to fuck me. How is that killing you?" Van's voice broke. "I thought, I mean, don't you want that?"

"You have no idea just how much I want. But you propositioned me, and then ask me about the pillows. Seriously? My dick is currently using up most of my blood and maybe other people's at this moment, and you want to talk about interior design?" Jake knelt up, swiped his hands through his hair. Could homicide be justifiable at a point like this? He hadn't had too many Twinkies or anything dumb like that, but really? Really? Was Van that oblivious? "Yes, I want you. And by the way, yes, I've never done this before. And yeah, okay, maybe I'm kinda scared and sorta figured you for -" His hands flailed. What words could he use? "Shit, I don't know anyway to say this that doesn't sound dumb. But, umm, I guess I thought I'd be the one bending over, you know, just seemed like maybe, I mean, from what you'd told me, you'd -"

"Oh? Oh. Oh! Yeah, okay, now I get what you're saying. And sometimes you're right. Sometimes. But you? God, Jake. Have you looked at yourself recently? Or, I don't know, ever? Because who wouldn't want to bend over for you? I mean, unless they're deficient. And blind. And deaf. And just stupid." Van tugged at his own hair. "Are we really arguing over you fucking me senseless? Because that was not exactly the way I intended this dare to go down."

Jake breathed deep, willed himself not to come at the all consuming knowledge that Van wasn't kidding, wasn't running, that Van was breathing heavy and his eyes were currently swallowed by his pupils. His heart heaved under his ribcage, his mouth dried. He coughed, managed to find his words. "Top drawer behind you in the nightstand. Rubbers, which, umm, I'm clean by the way. Haven't been with a girl in, umm, a long time. Get tested regularly just in case. Probably should have asked you before I swallowed. Shit, you're clean right? And you aren't allergic to latex or anything?"

Van laughed until tears ringed his eyes and threatened to spill over. "Oh God, I want you, Jake. You're the perfect boy scout on and off set, all wrapped up in this insanely hot package. I'm germ and allergy free and we can do whatever you want as long as by the end of the night I get you inside me." He rolled over, fumbled into the drawer, pulled out a handful of condoms and a bottle of lube. "Peppermint? People make Peppermint lube? Why would anyone bother with that?"

"Shut up, asshole." He gave in and bit at Van's abdomen, delighted in the sounds and shivers he could produce across golden skin. "They make lavender and cinnamon-vanilla flavored lubes also. Trust me. Peppermint is awesome. Don't mock it unless you've tried it. Anyway, I'm not a boy scout. Also, this stuff is the best. It's edible, vegan and organic. A win-win for everyone." Jake experimented again, dipped his tongue into Van's navel, scraped his teeth around it. His hands clasped at the swells of Van's hips, ignored that his friend was almost falling off the bed, pinned him still and rubbed his cheek across the trail of hair that led to an impressive erection. "You'll love it. I promise. Make you a changed man." His tongue caught at the head of Van's dick, swirled around it, lapped at the slit. Jake groped for the bottle, let a tiny amount drizzle onto his tongue, and then returned to bathing silky hard flesh.


Jake grinned, his mouth otherwise occupied.

"That - shit - it tingles" Van's hands clutched at Jake's shoulders

A string of saliva hung from the corner of Jake's lip. He brushed across it, sucked on his finger. "I know. Awesome, right?" He shifted their bodies, manhandled them into a better position. Jake heard gasped moans, watched the flush spill across tanned cheeks. Van really did want someone to get all he-man with him. That was, huh, Jake could do that. "Stop complaining and kiss me." He crawled up, slinked bare skin against bare skin, held his mouth mere inches away. "Now, Van."

There was an undeniable hotness to Van doing what Jake wanted him to do. And he wasn't going to lie about the fact that some of his hotter masturbatory moments involved Van just like that. And yeah, okay, more likely it was Luke being a little bitch or Jake being Van's bitch. Fuck if it mattered, with the soft wet of tongue requesting entrance, and perfect lips pressed to his. The noise in the back of his throat, that was him, but the contented purr vibrating between them? All Van.

Jake fisted his hands in the messy bleached strands of Van's hair, surprisingly soft for the amount of damage they underwent as Luke. He pulled back, let air into his burning lungs. "Again," but this time he shoved himself at Van, buried himself inside the taste of Indian and urgency and nownownow. His movements became sloppy as he fought his own desire and the rush of heat from the lube between them. "Kinda wanna suck you off again," Jake confessed, before remembering his role. He lowered his eyelids, added a grumble to his voice. "But that's not going to happen. It's your turn. I deserve it. Show me what that perfect mouth of yours can do, Van."

"About fucking time." Van rolled them so he had Jake pinned. He licked his lips. They tickled like his chapstick. He laughed. "Okay, you may be winning me over with this stuff."

"Told you." Jake rocked his hips up. "Stop stalling."

"Wasn't stalling, I was savoring. There's a difference." He grabbed the lube and carefully coated his fingers. Van stuck his tongue out, tasted the cool shock of it on his own skin. He contemplated coating himself and screwing his initial urges, but no. He'd seen Jake on his knees, hopefully had the image burned into his retinas forever. Now he wanted different, wanted to give in, wanted to offer himself, and be taken. Van reached out, leaned back, reached out again. "I'm a liar." A blush flamed his cheeks and he wondered if Jake slipped speed in with the peppermint how his heart skipped. "I'm stalling now." He pooled more of the cool gel in his hands, stroked timidly over Jake. "I - God Jake. You're incredible, mouth-watering actually. And we're doing this. We're doing this right now. I dared you to fuck me, but I'm changing the name of the game. I'm going to fuck you on myself on your gorgeous cock. Gonna, slick you up, slick myself up, and ride you like I've always wanted." Want scorched his nerve endings, miscued his synapses until his body couldn't figure out which way was up. "First things first. Need to make sure you're ready. Need to make sure you understand."

"I'm supposed to understand something?" Jake's voice, fucked out and low, still scratchy from the blowjob, heated Van near to boiling.

"Hopefully." Van slithered down Jake's legs, aware of the curve of every hair, ever muscle pressed between them. He licked his lips once, twice, watched blue eyes and black lashes follow his every move. "Now shut up and enjoy this." He eased his jaw open and dipped forward. Mint and pre-come blew his senses wide open, filled his nose, his eyes, his throat and took up residency. He whimpered. Jake's impressive cock tagged the back of his throat, flirted with his gag reflex. He's fucking lengthy everywhere. But Van was nothing if not determined. He pulled back, pet at Jake's sac, even while he blew cool breath over the dark crown. His tongue lapped a line up the thick vein underneath before swirling around the head. Van worshipped the velvet smooth contrast of tangy skin and icy peppermint. He placed damp and sticky open-mouthed kisses over Jake's thighs, his hips, the trail of hair that led like an arrow to his erection. More kisses, but this time Van added pressure from his tongue and gentle sucking sensations.

"You think, I mean, do you want me to ... you?" Jake choked out.

"You want to touch me?"

"Already did, idiot. It's how you wound up coming. Now I want you to do like you said. Ride me before my goddamned dick explodes. Please." Jake's hand rubbed at Van's shoulders, toyed with his hair.

Jake whined as Van placed the lube in his hands, regardless of whether he would deny it later or not when teased. He stopped breathing when Van replied, "Both of us. Want your fingers and mine in me, Jake. I'll show you." And Van could feel it, knew what Jake was thinking - always knew what Jake was thinking. This could work. He was maybe about to throw up. The fist of God punched him in the stomach and it hurt. He occasionally fucked around, who didn't? But this? With Jake? Oh God. He twisted the clean fingers of his right with Jake's left, closed his eyes, let the warmth seep into his hand. "Shit. I'm sorry, but I gotta ... Truth first. Okay. Truth. I can't do the dare without it. So, you gotta listen, okay? You can't ... I mean ... this is big. Blow jobs, yeah? Those can be casual. I mean, not really, but, fuck. You know what I'm saying, right? Who hasn't gotten boozed and done something like that?"

"I'm not boozed." Jake's blue eyes narrowed in on Van's. "I wasn't earlier."

"Me neither." Van's chest stuttered.

"So, you're saying this is important? That if we do this, if we go all the way or whatever, that it's somehow different from blow jobs?"

"I'm saying ... I guess I'm saying that you're my best friend, but you'll be something else in a few minutes. You can't just be my best friend if this happens. I can't do that. Jake, I don't want to. I don't know what's going to happen, but I want this. I want you and me to do this, to be something. I want what Luke and Noah are too stupidly written to get. I want to offer you dares, to stick my tongue down your throat, to curl up, watch Bollywood and make out on your sofa. I want it all, the fucking fairy tale where the poor pool boy meets his prince and they walk off into the sunset. Can you give me that?"

"Am I the poor pool boy? You're the one with the contract, here. My career wouldn't be in jeopardy. My life wouldn't be over. This is your call. I think I've been as obvious as I can be without throwing a brick at your head with a note around it that says Dear Van, be my boyfriend or I will die. Love, Jake. Which, I gotta tell you, it's tempting some times. You've got a thick head. You might not even notice." Jake spun the plastic bottle in his fingers. He sighed and put it back on the nightstand. "We don't have to do this. We don't have to do anything."

Van frowned. Jake was more than a little bit of an idiot. A gorgeous idiot with the best neck and the hottest torso, and moves that made him weak in the knees, but apparently also an insecure idiot. "You could be my prince? I've always wanted one." He trained his eyes on Jake. With his other hand, he took back the bottle. "I even know how to figure out if he's the right one. No, don't ask. I'll tell you some other time. Promise." He laughed. Van held up Jake's hand, sucked on his fingers, licked at the webbing between them. He leaned forward, with his other hand he pressed one finger inside himself. The shiver had him biting gently at the pads of Jake's fingers, a moan slipped past his lips. He maintained contact, kept up his gentle slurping, but added a second finger. He spread his fingers, thrust his cock against Jake's. "You. Now." Words began to lose meaning. "Youyouyou." Van released his grip on Jake's fingers and leaned into kiss him. He nibbled his way into Jake's mouth on the rush of sensation as Jake brushed across his ass. "Nnngh. Yes."

"I got you." Jake's gestures were less timid, more determined. He removed Van's fingers, replacing them with his own, even while he let Van explore the curve of his mouth, the bite of his teeth.

"Yeah. You do." Van inhaled, kept his eyes shut. "You do." He spilled lube into his hand, coated Jake's cock in less than steady strokes. "Want to come while you're inside me. I'm ready." He rocked himself down. There was no burn, no pain, just strong pressure sliding across his prostate. "God, so ready." He clutched against Jake's biceps, bit his lip against the sensation of emptiness. "You?"

"Yeah." Jake hesitated, unsure of how this maneuver worked with a guy. He ringed his dick, tried to line it up against the smooth slick of Van's ass. Go slow. Gentle. Slow. Slow. Slow, he prompted himself.

Van was clearly having none of that. He lifted his body, spread his thighs wider. "In me."

"I don't want to hurt you." He offered a shallow thrust, gasped at the slickhottight of his dick entering Van. "Oh god."

"You won't. You won't." Van shoved Jake's hands away, adjusted to fill himself in one smooth, deep motion.

"Oh fuck -"

"Holy shit -"

"Are you?"

"Don't -"

"Can't -"



Jake rolled his hips up, meeting the downward thrust. His eyes crossed behind his eyelids and the world paled slightly. "Jesus." He shifted his legs, adjusted his angle. Something worked in that. Van's hands bit into Jake's arms. Note to self: wear long sleeves on camera? He flexed, needing the tangible proof of finger shaped bruises to assure himself this wasn't one of his recurring wet dreams. "Can't believe this is happening." Close, so close. Fuck. Jake, don't come yet. Do not come yet, damnit. He reached for Van's dick, craving the weight, the texture, the fucking anchor of knowing he wasn't the only one fucked out and desperate. "Van."

Head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, Van was way hotter than any of Jake's dreams. "God, don't stop. Don't stop." He thrust forward, ground back, his body looking for all intents and purposes like it was trying to do both simultaneously. The backs of his thighs slid across the tops of Jake's, caused Jake to shiver, skid deeper.

He jacked his palm across Van, knew they were both almost there from the furious panting and the lack of coordination they both demonstrated. "You gotta. Van, need you to." As always, they understood each other without full sentences. Van wrapped his hand around Jake's, both of them fisting his erection, slicking him to orgasm. Neither expected it, nor were they surprised when a few short strokes later, they were coming almost in tandem. Van painting white ropes across their knuckles and Jake's stomach. Jake emptying himself at the squeezetugperfectpressure of Van's ass around him.

Jake couldn't breathe. Van on top of him, collapsing their lungs, smearing them both with sticky fluids. His bed below him, soaking up random fluids that he was sure would leave behind stains. He stared, eyelids wide. "We just? For real? And you? And me?" He blushed. "Sorry." He cradled his hands in the small of Van's back. "I just never thought this would happen, you know? Didn't think that you'd ever let me, ever want me."

"Shut up." Van kissed him. Soft lips pressed to his forehead, his eyelids, his jaw, his lips. "We did just, for real, you and me. It almost felt inevitable, you know? Like we've been leading up to it." Van's shy smile, so different from his usual confident smirk, made Jake's heart flutter. "I'm crushing you aren't I? Fuck. I'm sorry."

Jake's arms tightened. "No, wait. Don't move. I like you here. I'm not ready to let go."

"Oh." Van caged Jake inside his elbows. He worried his lip. "That's, umm, that's good. I'm not ready to let you go." He nuzzled at Jake's jaw, licked his way into his mouth, sucked gently on his tongue. "Think maybe we could teach Luke and Noah a thing or two?"

Jake laughed. "Not on daytime." He rolled them to their side, his now spent dick slipping out and leaving him bereft. His body relaxed when Van entangled their legs. "I can get something to get us cleaned up."

"No leave it. I'm fine. I can help you with the laundry and, umm, the shower later?" He rested his head on Jake's chest. "Now be quiet and let me finish watching the movie."

"I probably shouldn't tell you this, but, umm, I maybe really do have the note and the brick and everything. In case you didn't get it."

"This was better."

Jake planted a kiss on the top of Van's head. "Yeah. It really was."

van/jake, atwt, writing, rps

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