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Comments 174

liv347 March 26 2005, 16:47:38 UTC
I can read your journal! so i'm your friend! *lmao reeeally?*

*dances with Nity*


nousia March 26 2005, 16:51:01 UTC
Of course you are, Liv! ;)

Why wouldn't you be? (don't answer that :p)


liv347 March 26 2005, 17:01:10 UTC
i have no idea. i'm everyone's ideal friend!!! *lol* it comes as a shock that most of the world doesn't know me yet.

i'm kidding, i'm kidding!


pardon the crayz girl...


liv347 March 26 2005, 17:01:34 UTC
erm.. crazyyyy. u___u"


angel_wing3 March 26 2005, 17:11:16 UTC
I love your "Friends only" banner.

How do you make your journal "Friends Only", by the way?


nousia March 26 2005, 17:18:08 UTC
Thanks! You've seen it before, though :P

You know the box where you put your entry? Right below that is a "Security" option.

You can just set it (from a dropdown menu) to "Public," "Private," or "Friends." And if you want, you can do it for every entry you make so your LJ is friends...only.

Am not sure if that made any sense.

By the way *cough*seemyearlierposttoday*cough*


angel_wing3 March 26 2005, 17:35:21 UTC
I know I've seen it before, I actually have it saved in my Images Folder :P

And I was referring to keeping the "Friends Only" post above the others...


nousia March 26 2005, 17:40:37 UTC
!!! Romy! :O

Oh, oops..well, you change today's date to whatever you want the date to be...*sheepish*

...That made no sense.


ogiraffe March 26 2005, 19:42:10 UTC
That's such a cute FO banner =D


nousia March 26 2005, 19:46:38 UTC
He, thanks! :D

It's from one of my favorite manga (Japanese comics) =) How's your spring break?


ogiraffe March 26 2005, 19:47:37 UTC
It's doing good thanks :) but its SOO hot *dies*


nousia March 26 2005, 19:49:33 UTC
Ack! Don't die Courtney!!

*waves smelling salts over your nose, even if you're "dead" :p* *panics*

Am sorry it's hot! :( How hot (haah) is it in FL?


mysoulcried April 30 2005, 08:55:29 UTC
Added you, hope you don't mind. We also have several of the same interests. (Harry Potter, Christian Coulson, writing, lotr, etc) Yes?


nousia April 30 2005, 11:08:43 UTC
Oh, wow *blush*

Friended you back :) And you like (or is that used to like?) Draco/Ginny? Awesome.


mysoulcried May 1 2005, 07:59:56 UTC
Thank you. I still adore like D/G! I think that it will always be my favorite pairing.


nousia May 1 2005, 13:31:38 UTC
YAY! Are you sure you don't adore it? ;D

You're welcome. :)


licorice_lace May 16 2005, 15:28:20 UTC
Hi. I added you. I was looking over at icon_tutorial and I loved your MARS icon (huge manga/anime fan) and I looked at your interests and you like alot of the same manga and anime so yeah . . . add me?


nousia May 21 2005, 11:40:58 UTC
Hi! Sorry this reply is so late :S

Added you back - and you like Meg Cabot, too? w00t!

Thanks! The icon was made by starseed4 :)


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