Me Panicking, That's All...And A Question.

Feb 21, 2005 10:43

Sands (idealfacade), if you're there, PLEASE reply to this entry. Please.

And for the French speaking people on my flist . .

How do you pronounce "Ménière"?

Just out of curiosity..

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Comments 6

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nousia February 21 2005, 08:12:20 UTC
Merci beaucoup, Rach!

*hugs* :D


szaranea February 21 2005, 10:40:39 UTC
well, I'd not exactly pronounce it like that, as Mé is hardly may, unless you ask an anglophone, of course :P

Anyway, emphasis should be on the first é and a heavy, heavy long drawl on the è. Méenièeeeeeeere. Well, not as dramatic, but you get what I mean. I guess.


idealfacade February 21 2005, 14:50:09 UTC
I live!!!! Why are you panicking? OMG am I going to die? :p You have a prophecy?


nousia February 21 2005, 15:10:16 UTC
Sands!! *hug*

No, since I'm not Cassandra, you're NOT going to die :P

Sorry, it was the Mother Hen Worry kicking with the news of the sinkholes and landslides in SoCal, you know...


idealfacade February 21 2005, 15:47:42 UTC
Tehee. They are suckers fornot believing her. :p

The landslides are mostly near LA. or if you're right ON the coast. Thank the suburbs, I guess. :p


elluxion February 23 2005, 15:28:11 UTC
Ménière? Wut does that mean??? I'm guessing it's pronounced may [long a] knee air [with french accent] sry, Im terrible with phonetics. :D



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