My door's opened! I went back to Hogwarts, but hopefully I'll be back at the bar soon. Keep checking your door too - it'll probably open!
Oh yeah - if you see Lily around (I saw her before I left), she's Bound too.
- James
Hullo Maria,
My door opened earlier today so I went back to Hogwarts.
Hopefully I'll be back soon so I could take you there to see my school and see a Quidditch game or something. Thanks for inviting me over for Christmas! It was loads of fun!
- James
I saw your dad a little while ago! It was his last time at the bar, but it was really weird (but cool). Hopefully you'll get to see him too - before he leaves. Anyway, my door opened earlier today so I'm going back to Hogwarts. Hopefully your door will open soon too. If you see Lily around, make sure to keep an eye out for her while I'm gone.
- James