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Oct 01, 2009 18:22

Character name: Ashley Magnus
Genre (TV/books/etc): TV
Fandom: Sanctuary

Canon point:
Season 1, Episode 12/13 "Revelations" (just before capture)

Why this Character and Canon point?:
Character: Ashley’s mother, Helen Magnus, is present at Taxon. It’ll be interesting to see how Ashley interacts in a new, strange place although the Sanctuary is also there.
Canon point: This is the point in canon just before Ashley is captured by The Cabal and defects from the Sanctuary. In terms of Ashley’s canon, it brings in all events and has nicely rounded them up/off for her. She’s at a more comfortable understanding of some things for this transition.

Programmed Possession:
Ashley carries one, if not a smaller second, gun with her at all times for protection and her job. It is usually always the gun which her mother gave her.

Ashley has her father’s ability of teleportation and is able, when used, to teleport across near-infinite distances around the world though currently Ashley is unable to use this ability. Ashley is also a skilled fighter with a natural killer instinct, also from her father, which is useful for her work in the Sanctuary for bagging other abnormals. She is trained in the use of many weapons but most notably uses guns and hand to hand combat.

Ashley has a very close relationship with her mother that, if her mother is in jeopardy, she will risk her own life to save her and her work. That reckless belief can sometimes put Ashley in trouble, and makes her judgement falter, not wondering if something is a trap before jumping in to save her mother.

Ashley is not a typical girl; she was raised in a different world and was placed in danger a lot as a child but as a result she became tough as nails and learned to accept the impossible. Ashley likes her guns and weapons but doesn't favour many girly things like pink and rarely dates. She prefers comfortable clothes over style and accepted long ago the dangers of her job. She has a rather uncanny ability to make friends with people from the darker side of society, which is a contrast to Ashley’s normal social life. As Ashley spends most of her time working for the Sanctuary it leaves her little time for a social life. When inside the Sanctuary not working she spends time on Facebook. Ashley’s friends with the shadier side of society are often used as contacts for the Sanctuary, wherein she trades information; most notably about the Cabal, or buys new weapons. Inside the Sanctuary Ashley is close friends with Henry Foss, a man whom her mother brought into the Sanctuary from childhood, and a Big Foot who is fondly nicknamed ‘Big Guy’. After Will Zimmerman joins the team, Ashley learns that she can trust him and builds up a friendship with him, finding his insights helpful for the job.

Ashley inherited her father’s killer instinct, making her a skilled hunter and self proclaimed expert when it comes to tracking and capturing abnormals. She is proficient in the use of advanced weaponry and technology. Due to her killer instinct however, Ashley lacks certain behavioural skills including modesty. She's a strong person; mentally and physically, but like anyone else she is prone to moments of weakness - though she covers that with bravado and fearlessness. Ashley is someone who knows what she wants and often uses her lack of modesty to help her get it. Her fearlessness can often get her into trouble, but her skills, and her mother, help her get back out of it.

Ashley grew up in the Sanctuary and is very close to her mother, though occasionally their opinions on abnormals differ. Ashley is very much a 'save the whales' person, wanting to protect most abnormals, for example the Nubbins but has a natural distrust of most other abnormals and she will not hesitate to terminate any abnormal which proves to be hostile. Ashley uses her skills in fighting well and will use any means necessary in order to capture targets. Despite being close to her mother, Ashley was hurt when she found out that her mother had lied to her about her father being dead, finding out from him that he was very much alive. The thing that hurt the most was not finding out that her father was alive, but that the information had not come from her mother.

[ Everything Pre-Series is head canon ]

Ashley was conceived in the late 1800’s; however she was cryogenically frozen for 100 years until her mother could no longer bear to be alone. Ashley was born late 1985 in America to Helen Magnus, believing that her father, John Druitt, was dead until a few weeks ago. Ashley was raised in the Sanctuary, though her first experience with an abnormal wasn’t until the age of five; and it wasn’t a pleasant experience for Ashley either.

As Ashley grew up she was allowed to venture throughout the Sanctuary more frequently, and after a certain age alone. The Housekeeper, a Big Foot, often helped Ashley, and she saw the nicer as well as darker side of abnormals. Her mother taught her the history that she knew, and how she had become involved in the Sanctuary; as well as her Longetivity. Ashley learned through her mother’s explanation about her work, and throughout the years came to slowly understand and lose her fear for abnormals.

At around the age of eight, Ashley’s mother brought a special abnormal into the Sanctuary; a child whom she named Henry after rescuing him from werewolves. Ashley and Henry, being of a similar age, grew up together and became close friends from this. Sometimes Ashley views Henry as a kind of brother due to knowing him from her childhood and how their relationship formed.

Turning eighteen unlocked the world more for Ashley, and she aided her mother in her work whilst capturing a group of werewolves. Since then Ashley has trained in weapons and learned extensively about abnormals, she is able to help her mother’s cause. Whilst Helen researches the abnormals, Ashley goes out to ‘bag’ them, often with her mother’s help if faced with a larger group or a more dangerous abnormal.

Now 23, Ashley has spent most of her life in the Sanctuary aiding her mother’s work and research, though she is in the midst of discovering that an already dangerous world is about to become even more deadly. Ashley was first introduced to now colleague Will Zimmerman when her mother brought him in to the Sanctuary in hopes of him joining their work. At first, Ashley was weary of Will, though after he saved her life she was glad that he was there and truly hoped that he would stay.

Whilst in Scotland, Ashley, Helen and Will ‘stole’ three women from a crypt that they later learned to be witches. During the protection of the witches, the Sanctuary was attacked by a group who called themselves the Cabal. The witches left the Sanctuary of their own will in order to protect it, but that was not the last time that the Cabal was heard from.

Ashley brought the Sanctuary into its own trouble after bringing in a group of abnormals which Ashley affectionately named them ‘Nubbins’. They were soon faced with a population problem however as the Nubbins bred with large litters, which proved dangerous to the Sanctuary when they managed to escape from their cage. Ashley’s interests in saving both the Sanctuary and the Nubbins were conflicted when the only option for saving the Sanctuary was to exterminate the Nubbins; a notion that Ashley was very much against. When they managed to save both the Sanctuary and the Nubbins, by finding a different technique to manage their population, Ashley was relieved and often visits the Nubbins.

When Henry is faced with a crisis over who he is, after the change of him becoming a werewolf scare him, Ashley goes to him to talk to him, to try and make him see that who he is becoming isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Henry rejects her notion that this change is good, that they’ve both seen the bad side of abnormals but Ashley counters that, reminding him that they’ve also both seen the wonders, and that they don’t know what this could be. Henry isn’t willing to believe Ashley, but she isn’t ready to give up on him either.

During an encounter in a warehouse, Ashley finds herself feeling uncomfortable and having to manage between her job and batting off the attentions of a young cameraman. Ashley, her mother, Will and Henry have to battle between trying to capture an abnormal whilst keeping a reporter and her cameraman safe from an attack by the abnormal. After being asked out on a date Ashley finds herself feeling uncomfortable, mostly due to the absence of a life or friends outside of the Sanctuary; and her lack of experience in dating. She offers a rain check due to having plans for his suggested day; however Ashley doesn’t manage to go on her date as the abnormal kills the young man before it is captured.

Whilst her mother is in Rome, Ashley is kidnapped by a man named John Druitt, who she discovers is her father. Instead of killing her like she dares him to do, Druitt informs her that one of the original members of the Five, a group in which her parents started, is attempting to kill her mother in a bid to resurrect the vampires and create his own army in a bid to topple the Cabal. Ashley is reluctant to believe him, but puts her doubts and confusion at him aside to save her mother. Whilst back at the Sanctuary, Ashley attempts to understand and come to terms with Druitt being her father, angry at her mother for that fact that the knowledge didn’t come from her.

When the wife of a friend of Will’s asks him to look into her husband’s disappearance, they discover that the Cabal are behind the kidnapping. The Cabal have been turning humans into aggressive abnormals in an attempt to understand them, and use them for what they need; though this knowledge comes at a price to the Sanctuary, as it comes from Ashley’s grandfather, who once created an abnormal like this over a century ago. After saving Will with loaded gun, they manage to find a cure for Will and the other “super abnormals”, turning them back to humans. Her mother confides that she doubts that the Cabal will stop whatever they are doing, but is pleased that they no longer have that knowledge.

After an attack on an abnormal on the Yukon/Alaska border, the Sanctuary learns from an old friend - James Watson - about a new bioweapon that the Cabal have created, and plan to use on all abnormals. Fearing the words, Helen and James plan to call together the Five to gather the cure - a vial of pure vampire blood - against the attack. Ashley offers, with the aid of Henry to infiltrate the Cabal’s weapons factory. After managing to persuade her mother, Ashley leads Henry into the Cabal’s stronghold; however they don’t manage to get far. This is when Ashley was brought to the city of Taxon.

Arrival Post (Third Person)
Oh this was not good. Whatever plan Ashley may have originally had was gone when she saw facility. She turned her head, bringing her thoughts back to Henry, to what he was telling her. Thankfully he’d found another way in. She gave him a nod, letting him take the lead. Pulling her weapons out, Ashley followed him in, keeping one facing behind her, checking in that direction every couple of seconds.

They reached the door without too much trouble, which seemed far too easy for Ashley’s liking. Whilst Henry secured the door Ashley checked the corridor, making sure that no one had followed them in. When everything seemed clear, Ashley rejoined Henry, making sure that they both knew what they were doing. Neither was sure what to expect, but they knew that infiltrating the facility would not be an easy task.

“I’ll go in first, you follow.” Keeping her weapons close, Ashley caught Henry’s brief nod before opening the door and pushing herself through. She turned once she’d cleared the area, keeping her weapons high as her face dropped, a frown forming.

“Henry?” Oh this was not good. She sidestepped back over to the door, keeping a check around in both directions but when she got there, Henry wasn’t there. Which was impossible, he’d been just there and the Cabal couldn’t have gotten to him that quickly. She didn’t trust to lower her weapons but turning back found her even more confused. Ashley looked around with an expression which could possibly be described as a deer in headlights. This was not the room that she’d just been in.

“Oh great… This is not happening.” Ashley looked around, taking a step forward and then a few more. Her arms and aim didn’t waver, but nothing that she saw helped her bewilderment. Shifting her hold on a gun, Ashley felt something scratch against her wrist, pulling her arm back to her to get a better look.

“Lovely, you kidnap me and stick some tacky bling on me. You could have asked you know!” She didn’t know if anyone was there, or watching her but whatever this place was, she wanted out. Now. “And what’s this?” She kept walking around the room, putting one gun away to pick up the phone that had been left out on the side. “Not bad, but it’s not exactly going to do anything.”

For once she didn’t put Baldy-Druitt…. Dad behind it; he was far too busy trying to rescue some ancient Vampire bloody with her mom and Watson. This could be the Cabal, but she didn’t see how. Not yet anyway.

“You know, some explanation might be nice.” You bastards.

Additional Third Person Sample:
“I’ll be fine mom!”

It was something that Ashley said every time she went out; clean-up jobs specifically. One nasty chameleon subterranean menace wasn’t that much to worry about, not for Ashley anyway. Sure he was a danger, but handling a pack of werewolves for her 18th and everything since then? Piece of cake. She’d packed some of Henry’s experimental weapons, keeping her guns with her to fall back on just in case things got gnarly, or failed. And then there was the usual Magnus charm, which with ghouls, didn’t work as often as she might need. But she wasn’t worried; she’d seen enough of the nasty for too long to worry anymore.

Her bike had been prepped an hour earlier, her bags packed; she had more than enough weapons on her, and something extra just in case anything unexpected popped up and now her mom was hanging over her worrying, taking this opportunity to try and get closer to her and connect; and hoping to change her mind to get her to take some help. That was something she wouldn’t do - if someone else was there it’d be someone else to look after, gnarly or not. She’d done this sort of thing a thousand times before, at least half of that this year. She had information, this time not from Squid.

“I’ll be fine, I know what to do.” Ashley gave her mom a smile, pulling her bag up to her and giving her a quick goodbye kiss, leaving the room before she could try and find something else to keep her back with. For a woman with many years on her she liked to worry, and overprotect. This might have been a nasty business, but Ashley had been in it long enough to learn. Today was nothing different.

* application, & taxonomites

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