
Aug 02, 2009 17:48

Well that was certainly shocking. I can't remember the last time I got such a charge out a class. Teach, I have to hand it to you, your teaching style is simply electrifying.

So, same time next week everyone? I just hope lightning doesn't strike twice.

everyone chill out, call the pun police, its storm of puns!

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Comments 40

sakeofthescoop August 2 2009, 22:37:24 UTC

Of COURSE you were there. How did I miss out on this! You realize I have to rope you in for an interview now, right?


notthatharry August 2 2009, 22:40:45 UTC
Kazumi, I was hit by a bolt of lightning, that's not something you should be disappointed about missing.

[Locked to Asakura]

Still, I suppose its a good chance to at least give a more accurate account than the rumors going on. Just, can we make this anonymous? I'd rather not get the attention the paper brings.


Locked to Harry sakeofthescoop August 2 2009, 23:06:33 UTC
. . .

Woah, wait, YOU WERE WHAT?! Seriously? I didn't hear about that part!

Sure, I'll be talking to everyone else that was a witness as well so anything you tell me won't necessarily be traced to you. Plus, come on, I have a whole network of informants anyway.

So, spill, what happened?


Locked to Kazumi notthatharry August 2 2009, 23:18:02 UTC
Yes. Basically we were in a Charms review session, and one of the kids was messing around and suddenly whips out this lightning charm to show off. The problem is they weren't looking where they were aiming, and almost hit a girl standing nearby.

Luckily Catty was fast enough to push her out of the way, but three of us got grazed by the spell, and Professor Matsumoto was understandably pissed. That's when that recording everyone's listening to got recorded. She wasn't just freaking out for no reason, that kid could have killed someone.


Private to Harry bring_me_sake August 2 2009, 23:09:12 UTC
You're a real bright spark.

Thank you, Harry. I'm really sorry.


Private to Rangiku notthatharry August 2 2009, 23:20:34 UTC
Thanks, I don't know where I get these ideas, they're like bolts from above.

Nothing to apologize for teach, that's how life goes. I'm really not that surprised I ended up as a lightning rod, given I've had a lot worse.


Private to Harry bring_me_sake August 3 2009, 00:39:04 UTC
Maybe it happens because we're so striking.

Just because worse things have happened doesn't make it okay.


Private to Rangiku notthatharry August 3 2009, 04:22:50 UTC
It's shocking how amazing we are.

Look, there was no way you could have known he was gonna pull that teach. If anything it's my fault for not getting a shield charm up fast enough. I've gotten rusty.


undoerofknots August 3 2009, 04:45:52 UTC
Ch', don't count your chickens before they hatch.


notthatharry August 3 2009, 04:51:34 UTC
No, see, the point is to make puns related to lightning. Chicken's don't have anything to do with what happened. Maybe if you talked about roast chickens, but that's still a stretch.


undoerofknots August 3 2009, 04:52:25 UTC
I see where you're coming from, but there's always a possibility of a repeat scenario. But then again, I'm a pessimist.


notthatharry August 3 2009, 04:56:03 UTC
Oh, yeah, in that case I'm with you there. Trust me, my luck makes any hope of it not striking twice almost certainly wistful thinking.


battle_in_bloom August 6 2009, 10:49:15 UTC
I don't know, I think I could do without that sort of buzz from class. I might just storm out if it happens again.


notthatharry August 6 2009, 14:25:48 UTC
Come on, if you leave just when things are getting electrifying, you'll never be struck by inspiration!


battle_in_bloom August 8 2009, 00:31:06 UTC
I prefer to be enlightened in a less shocking manner, to be honest.


notthatharry August 12 2009, 01:21:45 UTC
Me to, but sometimes you have to accept what the heavens send you.


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