It's July. Half a year gone! Wow! I'm rather enjoying myself right now. In a rare treat, I took my laptop out to a Starbucks and I have air con, vanilla sweet cream cold brew, and the obnoxious air of "chic, hip, youngsters" this day that sit at Starbucks all day LOL. Just gonna post the Friday 5s and then go over some minutes that my subordinate wrote and then I'm on with my day with picking up some internet shopping.
Questions from
thefridayfive 1. What was your favorite past time in high school?
Badminton and drawing. It was alway that. Every day, I would go to school early in the morning (school starts at 8am, I would go in at 7ish) to play badminton with whoever has arrived. Then when school finished at 4pm, it was another game of badminton until 5ish then home.
2. What is your all time favorite board game/card game?
If you can believe it, my life wasn't filled with board and card games. I know my friends played a variation of poker (I guess?) but I was never interested in that. The only card game I really knew how to play were UNO and Solitaire... isn't it sad hahaha
3. What is the last movie you saw at the theatre and what did you think of it?
At the theatre? The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (or, The Conjuring 3). I've heard a couple of podcasts about the original case, so I knew the basis and maybe the background of it. I also went with a friend and... it made the whole experience hilarious LOL. She forgot her glasses, so she wasn't able to see well the screen haha. So I had to tell her things that were happening. Usually ghost/supernatural type of scary/horror movies don't spook me, it's more the sudden BAM! kind of shocks that spook me, so in terms of scariness, it was really meh. The one point that I did made a loud peep was at the mortuary, at the light switch, when there was a body on the bed in one scene, then after that when the guy went to the light switch again and the body was gone. It was embarrasing as I was the only one that squeaked LOL.
4. What is something (no matter what kind of mood you're in) that makes you happy the moment you do it, see it, or hear it?
My puppies!
5. Do you believe that crop circles are made by human or alien?
Human. I thought it was debunked already?
Next up are questions from They are always phrasing questions with these sayings, phrasings and idioms that I need to look up the dictionary for LOL. Guess I should be happy that I'm learning some more English this way haha.
1. What’s got you feeling chipper these days?
I'm happy to say I have a generally happy disposition so I am chipper almost every day.
2. About what did you decide to let the chips fall where they may?
Okay, I had to look this up, and it looks like it means to "let things follow its natural course" or some sort.
My job. I've come to an age where, I don't really let it bother me too much. I do my best where I can, and then the results? I'll go with the flow.
3. What are you chipping away at?
I'm now trying to go through that German course slowly. It's not a brick-and-mortar school, it's those online things which I loathe (because I know usually my concentration will lose) but I've set reminders for myself and I will slowly go through those chapters and units!
4. What potato chips did you most recently consume?
The IKEA here sells a, I don't know, Linseed chips or something, that I'm scouring the website, but just couldn't find it, so I'm not sure if I got the name correct or not. Maybe it's not an IKEA homebrand? But it's chips of some kind and I love it. It's dangerous too, because once I start with a bag of chips or crisps, I can never stop.
5. When did you most recently toss your cookies?
I honestly had to look this up, and I can't make the connection between tossing cookies and puking hahaha.
Geez, but I don't know. It's been so long since I last threw up. That I absolutely remember with any certainty, it was that time when I went to Hong Kong with my previous Boss and colleague for an earnings call or something, and then we went to the Four Seasons in Central for some drinks. I then puked in the ferry on the way back to Macau. Has there been any other occassion? Maybe, but I do not recall. But, talking about my previous boss, it's definitely at least 3 years ago, and if it's a time that he was still going for earnings call, then it must have been at least 4 years ago. So... it's been a real long time!