Friday Five 26-January

Jan 26, 2018 23:48

1. After your first language, what language would you most like to learn? (Say first language too)
This question is a little problematic to me as... I know 4 languages... but I'd really like to be able to speak German! Barring that, I'm actually interested in Russian.

2. Does your country have a second language? What is it?
I don't know about first or second languages, but Macau has 2 default official languages: Portuguese and Chinese. Despite Portuguese being almost non-spoken (it's not even taught in schools despite being an official language), English is widely used as a business language.

3. How many languages can you count to 5 in? To 10 in? List them.
English, Chinese (in Cantonese and Mandarin), Portuguese, Japanese, French, German.
Mind you for Mandarin, French and German, I simply can list those numbers. I can't speak them, haha

4. What is the first overseas country you visited? And from where? (ie/ timbuctoo to mars)
I believe that would be Austria. I was born in Macau, and according to my dad, when I was 2, he took me to Austria to see his parents. So... not that I have any recollection of that. I know I've been to Portugal and Austria a couple times subsequently, all family trips. Anyway, if this question changed a little to mean a trip I went with friends and NOT with family, I think it's China, where I had my Secondary School Graduation Trip. I just don't remember which part of China... I only remember must be nearby as the school nuns were worried about the Y2K bug that our airplane would burst into flames... so we had to go somewhere not by plane.

5. What country do you most want to visit? And why?
During high school, my "dream country" to visit was Japan. Now I can go to Japan any time I want, it's easy, it's near... Now, I don't have a "REALLY WANT TO VISIT MOST WANT TO VISIT" country. I'd like to go to any country I haven't been before. Right at the top of my mind would be the Scandinavian countries... I haven't been to the Americas and Canada, so would be nice to visit those too. India would be interesting, I assume. But there is no one top priority place I want to visit.

That being said, my next "big" trip with my trusty travel pals P and C is Portugal, where I've been to many times, but only with family, and thus limited to Lisbon only. With my friends, we're going to tour around the country. I've got a draft plan already, we just have to fill up the gaps and transport. It's gonna be fun.


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