Hyperion, evening

Jul 20, 2006 20:08

Angel was in the lobby of the Hyperion, waiting for everyone to arrive.

He kept fussing with the placement of the business cards on the countertop.

Sean watched him with bemusement.

Bel shimmered in to the hotel lobby with his arms around the shoulders of Phoebe and Veronica. He took a deep breath and tried not to look too happy to see Angel.

Angel for his part tried not too look too nervous. "Hey! You made it!"

"No problems so far," Bel said. He looked at the girls to make sure they'd made the trip okay.

"That's a shame," Logan said cheerfully.

Phoebe snickered and shook her head at Logan. "Nice to see you, too." She turned a cheerful smile on Angel. "Hey, Angel!"

"Behave it's my birthday," Veronica admonished, going to give Angel a hug.

Angel gave her a big hug back. "Hey! Happy birthday!"

"Nice place," Bel said, looking around. He glanced at Logan with narrowed eyes and muttered under his breath, "Except for the staff."

"You're welcome to sleep in the alley," Logan suggested.

Phoebe almost facepalmed at the two of them. "I guess some things never change," she shook her head and then went to give Angel a hug.

Veronica shook her head, moving to give Logan a hug. "Please no bloodshed this weekend."

Angel gave Phoebe a hug back. "No blood. Everybody's just the right amount of happy." And, to Bel, he added, "You're not on Logan's floor."

Bel wasn't a little jealous of the hugging. Not at all. Nor was he kind of hoping he was on Angel's floor. "Probably a good thing," he said, then added with a grin, "Do we get our own wing?"

"You get your own floor," Logan said. "Veronica, you're in 304 and you guys," he nodded at Bel and Phoebe, "are in 416. Keys are on the counter." He nodded at the front desk.

Phoebe picked up the keys and smiled at Logan. "Thanks, Logan. How ya been?"

"Sounds good," Veronica said, grabbing her keys. "Where are you guys?"

"238," Angel said. He gave a sheepish grin. "I like the number."

Bel twitched a little and waited for Logan to give his room number. He hoped it was far away. Like in another state.

"I'm in 538," Logan said. "I like the view." He grinned at Veronica.

Phoebe hid a grin behind her heand. Her head was slightly spinning at the posturing.

Veronica caught Phoebe's grin and shook her head, wondering if they were insane for putting these three in the same building for a weekend voluntarily.

"Place looks good," she said to Logan and Angel. "You guys have been working hard."

Angel smiled proudly, and with a little relief. "Thanks. We're doing our best. Say, where's Archie? Wasn't he supposed to come?"

"Something came up," Veronica said with a shrug. "He couldn't make it."

Bel shrugged and gave Angel a "Don't look at me" look. "Sure he's not two inches tall again and in your pocket?" he said jokingly to Veronica.

"Two inches?" Logan raised his eyebrows at Veronica.

Phoebe frowned at Cole. "Behave," she said softly, giving Veronica an apologetic smile.

Veronica gave Logan a look. "Thanks to the wackyness of Fandom, he shrunk last weekend." She paused. "At least he wasn't furry and hopping around on four legs."

"Not that there's anything wrong with that," Angel said, then looked self conscious. "Um - I mean Sean really missed you guys." Angel indicated the dog who'd come over to say hi to everyone.

Bel crouched down and scritched Sean behind the ears. "You've missed a lot," he said to Angel. "Ghosts, jello dragons, a tentacle demon, and some demons called the Gentlemen who stole our voices."

"I don't suppose any Jello wrestling arose from the dragon fight?" Logan asked hopefully. "With pictures?"

Phoebe laughed and then shook her head. "Not for lack of some people trying."

"Mostly Cameron," Veronica chuckled. "Of course, I blamed him for the fact that we even had an invasion of Jello dragons, since he was talking about them for months."

"How's Cal doing?" Angel asked, and it was possible a look of guilt flashed through his eyes. "Anybody know?"

"Kissing Crazy Hookers and stealing students' clothes, last I knew," Bel said with a shrug.

"Pretty normal, then," Logan grinned.

"Pretty much," Phoebe agreed, bending down to pet Sean before moving back to Cole.

"So what have you guys been up to?" Veronica asked. "Any exciting cases? Don't forget you promised you wouldn't make me work this weekend." That last bit was directed to Angel.

"I also promised you a fruit basket," Angel replied with a grin. "You guys want help getting your stuff upstairs?"

Bel bent to pick up his and Phoebe's bags, then shimmered out of the lobby, reappearing a few moments later. "Not me," he said, grinning.

"Okay, *him* you should put in a bellboy uniform," Logan said.

Phoebe shook her head. "Uhm, no. I sort of like him not in a uniform."

"Guys in uniform are kind of hot though," Veronica pointed out.

"They're hot out of - so, hey, anybody hungry?" Angel asked, clapping his hands together. "We could go out. There could be food."

"Food is good," Bel said, shooting Angel A Look. "Shimmering long distances with people works up an appetite."

"I can go with food," Logan said. "What do you guys want? Pretty much anything you can think of, it's available around here."

"I'm not that picky," Phoebe said with a shrug.

"I could go for good Mexican food," Veronica said.

"Mexican for everybody then," Angel said. "On me."

Quick pause.

"Logan, don't you dare order the most expensive drinks."

Bel grinned. "Didn't say I couldn't."

"Beer's good enough for me," Logan said.

Phoebe leaned against the counter. "Beer's fine with me, too."

"I want a margarita," Veronica said. "And it's my birthday."

"Veronica is allowed to order the expensive stuff," Angel said. He got his coat. "We'll take..." He looked at everyone assembled. "Both cars."

"We could shimmer somewhere quicker," Bel said. "But I can really only take three passengers." He looked at Logan. "Sorry, Logan."

"What's the rush?" Logan asked. "We can all go the mundane way. Oh, did Angel tell you about his new car?"

"Cole!" Phoebe chastized him with a frown. "Be nice." She turned to Logan. "Sorry, he's a little snarky tonight."

"Enough," Veronica said, putting her hand up. "Let's just go."
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