238, Starting in Fifth Period

Apr 25, 2006 15:33

Angel was alone in the room. In theory he should've been studying but in reality that wasn't exactly happening. Between finals, graduation, moving to LA, and, oh yeah, the crush on his best friend he had a tiny bit extra to brood about.

His books were on his lap, totally ignored. So was everything else in the room as Angel was lost in his thoughts.

Piper had been gone a few hours after her confrontation with her roommates, but she couldn't stay away for long. Not when she could sense evil in the dorms. Or what she thought was evil. She couldn't tell the difference anymore.

She teleported into Angel's room, not caring if she was interrupting anything. All she cared about was the evil he had done in the past. She was a fury now and could not be reasoned with.

Sean, sensing the danger to be had here before his dad could, ran straight for Piper, barking a sharp warning. He had teeth and he'd use them if he had to.

Piper glared at the animal, attempting to kick at it. She certainly wasn't going to let it stop her.

Something about the fury's gaze was enough to draw Sean up short with a whimper. He ran under the bed before her foot could connect.

By this time, Angel was on his feet. He felt... off. Like a headache was starting to form. But something was wrong here and Angel could have a deadly focus if he needed to. "Piper, what the hell is going on?"

Piper just stared at him for a moment before swinging her arm at him, hoping to scratch him with her very sharp nails.

Instinct brought his hand up to block the blow. This was Piper - it looked and smelled like Piper - so he didn't want to hurt her.

But on the other hand he didn't want to get hurt in return.

He moved to try to kick her legs out from underneath her.

Piper didn't react in time and lost her balance, falling to the floor. But it didn't take long before she was on her feet again, giving Angel a death glare.

There was that headache again. Angel staggered back, feeling like -

- feeling like he was being resouled again? That couldn't possibly be right.

Still hurt the same though.

Piper tilted her head, gazing at him. She tried to focus her thoughts on him so she could force him to hear the cries of his victims. Redemption meant nothing to her.

The pain in his head grew worse. Angel fell to his knees. He pressed his hands to his eyes as though he could force out the memories he was seeing. "No. No!"

If furies could actually show any emotion besides anger, Piper would be gleeful right now. She stood over him, once again, just staring, taking pleasure in his discomfort.

The pain was familiar, but that didn't make it fun. Angel started to curl up on himself, his body twitching with agony that came only from his mind.

Piper knelt in front of him, once again swinging her arm in an attempt to scratch at him.

Angel's instincts were elsewhere. He moved, but it was a laughable attempt at blocking.

Piper would laugh if she could. Instead, she used this opportunity to breathe the fury smoke on him. She would take pleasure in the kill.

This? Did nothing. Angel didn't breathe. Also? Already dead. He lay there, twitching, oblivious to her having even tried to end it all.

Piper stood up and backed away. She didn't understand why her attempt to end Angel's life wasn't working. She let out an angry scream of rage when she realized she had failed in her quest for a first kill.

She teleported away in a cloud of smoke, searching for another unsuspecting victim.

And yet this did not make the pain any better. Angel curled in on himself and lay there, lost in his memories.

[ooc: Pre-played, but Angel is actually here for interaction. Knock if you wish.]

fury plot, veronica, 238, callisto, bel, broody, piper

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