/snugs to all of F-list

Jun 04, 2012 14:34

or, those who are still here, ehehe! :3

Hi, guys! Well, wedding prep has kept me busy. I found my perfect lengha, and have yet to match jewellery with it because it's such a unique and light shade, so that's a little frustrating. Gotta start getting stuff for 'after', too, like necessities. I keep thinking I should start packing up stuff in my room ( Read more... )

topic: wedding, icons @ comm, spn love

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Comments 10

robynesk June 5 2012, 13:05:25 UTC
bb you're getting married?
who's the guy I demand to know who he is!
srsly dude, really? aww
we need to chatsssss


si_star_x October 27 2012, 09:17:18 UTC
How come you've deleted your writer journal? And where are you? :)


si_star_x November 21 2012, 20:49:06 UTC
Are you ever coming back? :) Also is your phone disconnected now?


si_star_x February 24 2013, 16:29:23 UTC
Sometimes I think of you. Then I stop, because it hurts.


si_star_x April 3 2013, 16:18:24 UTC
You're gone, still. It sucks. I keep getting spammy e-mails on gmail and that sucks because for a moment I think it's actually from you, then it's not. T__T


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