OOC: Profile

Aug 20, 2014 22:51

Official Profile

Nation's name: Lietuvos Respublilka (Republic of Lithuania. Poland calls him "リト," which is "Liet.")
Capital: Vilnius
Language: Lithuanian
Birthday (Independence from Soviet Union): February 16th
National flower: Rue (personal note: its flower language is "regret")

Human name: Toris Laurinaitis/Lorinaitis
Height: Unknown
Age: 19 (appearance. The nation will celebrate the millennium in 2009)

Exists as the eldest brother of the three Baltic states,

もともとチュートン騎士団の一員 だったがキリスト教に反発しリアニア大公国として独立、
used to be a member of the Teutonic Knights, but established independence as the Kingdom of Lithuania after a rebellion against Christianity

but was often pursued by German knights hoping to convert them into Christianity. (Note: Lithuania was the last pagan nation of Europe)

その後ポーランドとの連合王国化で 平和的にキリスト教化。
After that, became a commonwealth with Poland and peacefully converted to Christianity.

But was taken over by Russia after a fight over the annexation/partition of Poland.

A good-natured person who likes to take care of people, and even though he has the Baltic attribute of being introverted, is the type who will take one into his heart when he gets used to that person.

ただこういった気を使う性格のせ いか自殺率世界一という実に不名誉な称号を持っている。
But, perhaps it is because of this sort of personality that he holds the infamous record of having the highest suicide rate of the world.

あと格闘技とか文学とか大好き。それと車は絶対中古車。味にはうるさくケチャップやマヨネーズは色 んなフレーバーが売ってて日によって使い分けてたりする
Loves martial arts and literature. Also, his car is definitely a second-hand car. Is particular about taste, and is known to use many flavours of ketchup and mayonnaise in a day.

Lietuva Himnas - Tautiška giesmė

Lietuva, Tėvyne mūsų,
Tu didvyrių žeme,
Iš praeities Tavo sūnūs
Te stiprybę semia.

Tegul Tavo vaikai eina
Vien takais dorybės,
Tegul dirba Tavo naudai
Ir žmonių gėrybei.

Tegul saulė Lietuvoj
Tamsumas prašalina,
Ir šviesa, ir tiesa
Mūs žingsnius telydi.

Tegul meilė Lietuvos
Dega mūsų širdyse,
Vardan tos Lietuvos
Vienybė težydi!

English Translation: (Wiki)

Lithuania, our homeland,
Land of heroes!
Let your sons draw their strength
From our past experience
Let your children always follow
Only roads of virtue,
May your own, mankind’s well-being
Be the goals they work for
May the sun above our land
Banish darkening clouds around
Light and truth all along
Guide our steps forever
May the love of Lithuania
Brightly burn in our hearts.
For the sake of this land
Let unity blossom

(Very) Brief History - I will add to this soon!
In the Middle Ages, Lithuania and Poland worked together as partners, forming a huge kingdom that controlled most of central and Eastern Europe. During this time, they were involved in the Battle of Tannenburg, where they fought the Teutonic Knights/Prussia. They managed to win the war, but then ended up in the Polish-Swedish wars. However, as Sweden decided not to pursue the war, the two ended up with no opponents. They ended up being split apart by Russia, who annexed Poland and took Lithuania to live with him.

While living with Russia, it is made clear in the comic that Lithuania was subjected to physical abuse by Russia, but also affection. Russia is shown as being very possessive over Lithuania, who is shown being his subordinate and servant. Lithuania unfortunately was around to witness 'Bloody Sunday' in 1905, and thus Russia's descent into madness.

After WWI, Lithuania went to live with America for 11 years after becoming poor. When the Great Depression happened, he was sent back to live with Russia. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Lithuania was reunited with Poland. Russia is still after Lithuania, asking him to become one with him, but Poland usually wards him off by threatening to make his capital Warsaw. Currently, Lithuania is still recuperating with Poland.

Current Flag (2004-present)

The current Lithuanian flag is comprised of three horizontal stripes of yellow, green and red.

Coat of Arms

The heraldic shield features a red field with an armoured knight on a white (silver) horse holding a silver sword in his right hand above his head. A blue shield hangs on the left shoulder of the charging knight with a double gold (yellow) cross on it. The horse saddle, straps, and belts are blue. The hilt of the sword and the fastening of the sheath, the charging knight's spurs, the curb bits of the bridle, the horseshoes, as well as the decoration of the harness, are gold. (From here.)

The Legend of the Founding of Vilnius
"Legend has it that the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Gediminas, was hunting in the sacred forest near the Valley of Šventaragis. Tired after the successful day's hunt, the Grand Duke settled in nearby for the night. He fell soundly asleep and began to dream. A huge Iron Wolf was standing on top a hill and the sound of hundreds of other wolves inside it filled all of the surrounding fields and woods. Upon awakening, the Duke asked the pagan priest Lizdeika to interpret the meaning of the dream. And the priest told him: "What is destined for the ruler and the State of Lithuania, is thus: the Iron Wolf represents a castle and a city which will be established by you on this site. This city will be the capital of the Lithuanian lands and the dwelling of their rulers, and the glory of their deeds shall echo throughout the world"
From here.

Lithuanian Catholic Prayers
From here.

Excuse any typos on these, I copied them manually, and at 3am to boot.


Vardan Dievo Tėvo, ir Sūnaus, ir Sventosios Dvasios.


Garbe Tevui, ir Sūnui, ir Šventajai Dvasiai.
Kaip buvo pradžioje, ir dabar, ir visados, ir per amžius.


Sveika Marija, malones pilnoji,
Viešpats su tavimi.
Tu pagirta tarp moterų
ir pagirtas tavo įsčios vaisius Jezus.

Šventoji Marija, Dievo Motina,
melskis už mus nisidejelius dabar
ir mūsų valandoje.



Teve mūsų, kurs esi danguje!
Teesie šventas tavo vardas.
Teateinie tavo karalyste.
Teesie tavo valia kaip danguje, taip ir ant žemes.
Kasdienes musu duonos duok mums šiandien.
Ir atleisk mums mūsų kaltes,
kaip ir mes atleidžiame savo kaltininkams.
Ir nevesk mus į pagunda, bet gelbek mus nuo pikto.

Lithuanian Public Holidays

From here.

1 Jan New Year's Day.
16 Feb Restoration of the State Day (1918).
11 Mar Restoration of Independence Day (1990).
2 Apr - 5 Apr Easter.
1 May International Labour Day.
2 May Mothers' Day.
24 Jun Jonines (St John's Day/Midsummer's Day).
6 Jul Anniversary of the Coronation of King Mindaugas.
15 Aug Assumption Day.
1 Nov All Saints' Day.
25 Dec Christmas Day.
26 Dec Boxing Day.

According to Lithuanian Law, all holidays falling on a Saturday or Sunday, including those that are always celebrated on a Sunday, are moved to the following Monday.

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