Jul 04, 2014 19:27


This tutorial is made for the ask the maker activity at icon_talk. This tutorial was asked by monstersinyou.

Tools used on Photoshop CS6:
- curves
- gradient map

This tutorial is extremely easy as the screencap itself already has all the colors I want. As I love natural coloring, I won't use anything but the curves to ehance the light and a gradient map to give a cold look at the icon to fit the moment the scene takes place.

Resize your picture. I went to Image -> Resize. Be sure to have "constrain proportions" ticked to keep your aspect ratio right (screencapture here). Then, open a 100*100 pixel base. I slided the resized cap to the base. I did this operation a few time because I didn't know what to choose as a size. I never work on a base I don't like the crop. I chose a close up on his hand in order to increase the feeling of desperation and distress of the character. I ended up with this:

Then, I wanted to work on the light. It is the best way i found to know what colors are already on the screencap and then see if I should work on the color or not. (yeah I am lazy xd). I used the curves because they tend to lower the contrasts which would fit the idea I had for the icon.

Layer -> New Adjustement layer -> curves
input:96 output131

How did I chose the output/input? Well, I haven"t find any way other than keeping your mouse clicked on the line and play with it. I stop playing when I am happy with the result. I ended up with:

The last touch on this was the color. As you see, the colors are not muted. As I wanted the icon to have a cold look, I used a black and white gradient and lowered its opacity til I had the muted coloring I wanted.

Layer -> New Adjustement layer -> Gradient Map

Then, I double click on the gradient to choose which one I wanted. I chose the black and white one. Finally, I lowered the opacity til I got the result I wanted. I stopped at 44% of opacity. And the result was :

Tadaam! Done. I Merged all the layers and saved into a .png file.

- Don't even think about asking for a .PSD.
- Fell free to ask all the questions you want!
- You can ask a tutorial of everything posting in that comm.
- Sorry for any spelling & grammatical mistakes.
- Keep in mind those settings may not work on your pictures!


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