Title: A Prickly Situation
Who: Djaq (
notgreekfire) and anyone who wants to join in
What: Djaq returns from her trip to the labs
OOC note: I asked about this and Djaq was allowed to make her trip to the labs. This is the result. Any offers to take care of our prickly customer are welcome. Mixed RPing style is a-okay.
A larger-than-average sized hedgehog runs
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Comments 18
"Huh, I didn't think a place like this would have hedgehogs."
"What's going on?" he asks the boy. His foot shuffles over something scrawled in the dirt. The message is brushed erased slightly, but it still legibly reads, I am Djaq. Shock alights his face and leaves his ruby eyes bulging behind his lenses and his mouth gaping widely.
Lowering himself to the animal's eye level, he asks, "What happened to you? Weren't these animal transformations only supposed to be partial?"
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