(no subject)

Mar 20, 2008 22:42

There is a god under a mountain.

There is a woman who is asleep.

* * *

The way is all shards. The rock is dark and jagged, still as violent and sharp as the moment it was vomited from a churning, red-hot earth. The pathways twist like veins, like underground rivers. All is silent and all is still.

* * *

There is a woman who is waiting.

There is a god who walks.

* * *

The rock remembers heat. It remembers the pain and the thrill of being consumed. It wants both. It wants to survive.

Bloodlike ichor daubs the ground. It is a place of hunger, and teeth.

* * *

There is a center under the mountain.

There is a cavern where the woman waits.

There is a god who walks, shining.

There is a way, igneous and sharp.
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